Friday, April 2, 2021

U.S. Capital Under Lockdown After Car Smashes Into Barrier Injuring Two Capital Police Officers. Driver Reported Shot After Pulling Out Knife

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Two Capitol cops are injured after car smashes into barrier on Independence Avenue

 * A chopper has been flown in to remove injured people; it's unclear how many there are or if there is an active shooting 
 * Witnesses have described a chaotic scene with police and EMT presence but the Capitol Police are yet to confirm any facts 
 * An external security threat alert was sent out to workers
 * The two cops have been taken to the hospital and the driver is in custody 

Two Capitol police officers have been injured after a car plowed through a barrier on Independence Avenue on Friday. 

The driver was also injured and is in custody. 

Both of the cops have been taken to the hospital. It's unclear what kind of condition they are in. 

The incident sparked chaos at the Capitol on Friday afternoon and sent workers into lockdown. 

Read more .... 

 More News On U.S. Capital Under Lockdown 


RussInSoCal said...

Looks like suicide by cop.

Anonymous said...

If you cannot pull the trigger there are other ways to commit suicide that do not harm other people and are relatively painless. You can drink yourself to death in one sitting.

Positive thing about Japanese suicides is that they changed tactics to not injure bystanders. They use to jump off building until too many passerby were killed. Very thoughtful. It eliminated the collateral damage. Now, if Japanese can just eliminate the desire to suicide, it would be a double whammy for them.

News of the the car attack has been carried live on Rush Limbaugh.

Anonymous said...

Driver is in custody, so not dead, but when I saw he only had a knife I also thought likely suicide by cop or on pharmaceutical.

By the way, I'm not from the US, so it's just an observation from the outside, but how come all these mass-shooters are on pharmaceuticals and no one talks about it?

I mean some people know it, but the media (which I guess gets a lot of ad money from big pharma) is not talking about it but instead wants to take your guns and strangle the 2nd amendment. If I as a European can see this, why can so many in the US not see it?

Pharma companies are involved in so so much crime and crimes against humanity, including making a not so small population in your country dependent on opioids.. it's insane ...

And if you know this, you must realise that the politicians get a lot of money from pharma... you can make that connection, right? Ok...

So how come so many people take that experimental mRNA drug, while those exact pharma companies that made billions and billions of making you addicted and shortening and worsening the lives of so so many people, we're talking tens of millions every year... some prepper STILL trust the pharma cartels.. it's unbelievable

Sure, sure a lot of progress has been made thanks to pharma.. but we paid them very very very well. There was no need for the crime.

Same with bankers.. richest most entitled people in the world and actively considering against you and your rights and your health and against your property EVERY DAY, with thousands of convictions among the banker crime syndicate...

And then ask yourself why they want your guns. To make you helpless like most of us in Europe. Just that your pockets are deeper and more money can be made of enslaving you, I guess...

Correct me if I'm wrong...

Bankers have started and financed entire wars with hundreds of millions dead over the century....

Maybe I'm wrong and they'r all good people

That vaccine passport that allows you to be free is just that..

It takes your God given constitutional rights and then gives you a nice yellow star and off you go, free again, as long as you check in whenever they say and take into your body whatever they say while THEY'RE legally protected from all of it.


RussInSoCal said...


Anonymous said...

Reported on the Rush Limbaugh show that the suspect died.

RussInSoCal said...

Suspect is dead. Appears to be African American. Expect this story to have a very short life.

RussInSoCal said...

Video of the perp on a gurney.[/tweet

Anonymous said...

Little known at this time. To claim he was on pharmaceuticals or imply it is just wrong till further evidence.

Anonymous said...

Black guy and Nation of Islam fanatic.

Anonymous said...

Capitol Hill Suspect is Louis Farrakhan Supporter Identified as 25-Year-Old Noah Green

Bets on Wray eating his own excrement on live TV rather than admit that Black racists are a threat?

Anonymous said...

anyone doing nutty stuff like that is a threat: black, white, yellow, brown. are white racists a threat? are those trying to storm the Capitol to subvert election results a threat (white trump gang)? mass killings in Calif, Atlanta etc this past few days also a threat

Anonymous said...

"...but when I saw he only had a knife I also thought likely suicide by cop or on pharmaceutical."

-Someone, who can or tries to reason

"Little known at this time ..."

- Yellowbelly, Emptyheaded, legless skink

Anonymous said...

Nice try liar.

Anonymous said...

"...are those trying to storm the Capitol to subvert election results a threat (white trump gang)?" - IDIOT or foreign agent(?)

Here is What the Media Isn’t Reporting About the Government’s Flimsy Case Against Proud Boy Ethan Nordean

"“What I’ve heard at the hearing today is that the defendant, with this group, positioned himself at one of the entrances – pedestrian entrances to the Capitol and, you know,


right in front of the police barriers."

Government lawyers want to put Nordean in prison for strutting. He did not enter the capital building!

Russian FSB and Chinese MSS (国安部) wish they could do as such destruction as the DOJ. I heard the FSB director gave all the Russian spooks 3 months off to soak up the sun at Black Sea resorts on the governments dime. He reasoned that, if they just got out of the way, liberal DOJ type would do more damage than his agents could ever do. Exactly like when the British gave up on assassinating Hitler, because he was doing such a fine job at destroying Germany.

Anonymous said...

300 pro trumpers soon on trial
they tried overturn a legal election because
they were told Trump won. Who told them that? Trump

Anonymous said...

@605 God you're brainwashed.. jesus.. you'll be one of those that will make us have a covid passport and wear a mask, you low information leftist cultist. FFS just once read other news outlets than the ones who talk you into war abroad and racial and sec tensions at home. Don't you get which side makes you, us all miserable, and by that I mean the lying news outlets from CNN to MSNBC... FOX think you're informed. Jesus. Haha it's funny though. Don't worry. You'll forgive the next one, when you're redpilled, as I forgive you now :)

Anonymous said...

"300 pro trumpers soon on trial" - Shit Eater

Nordean is on trial. The government accused him of sending encrypted messages with his phone. He said it was powered off. Eventually the government admitted to the judge that they have zip, zero, nada evidence of him sending encrypted messages and that his phone was off.

Then the government said he used a radio. He bought it January 7th. He showed a receipt. Eventually, the government admitted to the judge that this was true.

The government has told and admitted several lies in the Nordean case.

With government esquires such as these, the US has no business, none, in criticizing Russia's persecution of Navalny. I believe Navalny is innocent. However, things are so dire due to Democrat machinations that we have to clean our own house first.

Matthew 7:3-5

3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

6:05 I believe you are a raconteur, who is full shit and happy eating it and flinging it.

Anonymous said...

Fun isn't it. How're you liking that bed you made? Heh

Anonymous said...

"Capitol attack suspect identified as Louis Farrakhan follower, Noah Green" , a black Muslim..

CNN,MSNBC,NYTIMES,WAPO,NPR will burry this story so quickly, scientists might discover a rip in the universe or something.

It just ...Doesn't quite fit their narrative...

Don Lemon will call him misunderstood and GoFundme will raise millions. Perhaps billions. He might be the next Jesus

And perhaps he is, maybe CNN is right. Maybe we all just read statistics wrong or math is racist, I'm sure we can be reeducated, and why not.. CCP does it, Congress seems to want it.. and big pharma seems to be eager to help too with a bit of genetic reprogramming. Who are we to say "don't experiment with my body", or to say to big tech "don't spy on and enslave us"..

What kind of human would be ok with the enslavement of body, spirit and mind of the human race?

Either we are fighting an AI or those UFOs we sometimes see are the hidden.

At least consider it and act as if aliens gave similar orders and installed similar surveillance, reeducation, imprisonment, genetic manipulation and directing an entire race towards a technological not a spiritual goal?


Or maybe just the devil.
Or it's a result of the nature of capitalism and big government.

Who knows. Who cares. All that matters is that we identify and then send it back to where it came from.

Maybe we need pattern experts.

Anonymous said...

It is fun Parrot. It is fun too debate or is is fun to dish out what you give. It is very delicious not to use swear words and to refute your tripe with fact and logic.