Sunday, April 25, 2021

Will The World Be 'Completely Back To Normal' By The End Of 2022?


Daily Mail: Bill Gates says he's hopeful the world will be 'completely back to normal' by the end of next year as vaccine rollout frees up excess doses 

* Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has urged the UK to restore its overseas aid 

* Gates says it is of 'critical importance' in getting vaccines to developing world 

* Microsoft founder said world will be 'completely normal' by the end of 2022 

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has expressed confidence that the world will be 'completely back to normal' by the end of 2022. 

The Microsoft founder said he expected Covid infection levels to be reduced to 'very small numbers' by the end of next year as vaccines became increasingly available around the world. 

He said within 'the next three or four months' the US and other developed countries will start to have excess vaccines they can share with the developing world. 

'Over the balance of the year, the US, the UK and others will be able to make sure that the vaccines are now going to the developing countries,' he told Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Historically speaking. When the world experienced major wars, pandemics, etc., it took years (i.e. 5 years or more) to return to "normal". I expect the same will happen with the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. IMHO Bill Gates is too optimistic.


Anonymous said...

Bill Gates is not dumb, but he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. The key building blocks of Microsoft were developed by slow moving moribund corporations or small start ups with out connections. Bill had connections. Bill is plenty smart, just not as smart as he thinks he is.

Young Communist said...

"Back to normal" on what?
Italy has experienced the outcome of privatization of our national healthcare system, also the division about interest among regions and central government, the deprivation of welfare state in many years, on large sectors of society, the repression on workers in fights for their rights, and the stressed middle class leave without money.
Former PM Conte has obtained 209 billions of euros for Italy Recovery Plan, but in the end, today we have another not-elected government of unity; from the (so called) Left to the far right, witch under Draghi, the ultimate technocratic dictator of UE, is going to complete the transformation of our country in a neoliberist far west for foreign interests.

25 april is the day of Liberation of Italy from nazifascism, but today many peoples, not only radical left and right, sensed our nation as lesser free since the end of WW2.

Anonymous said...

It never wasn't normal.
The normal is that psychosis psychopaths in the media give cover to those who start wars and terrorise the world. Be it by biological agent, a virus, a bomb, ten thousand bombs or nukes.
This is the normal on planet Earth.
Until we get rid of the monsters, the monsters terrorise the population for their benefit.
The media, CNN,MSNBC,CBS,NYTIMES,WAPO... they either give cover for these monsters, from Cuomo to pharma executives making billions throug addiction while DAs put Weed dealers away for years.
Monsters. All of them.

Anonymous said...

Young Communist reaping the fruits of being a Chinese colony. Chinese companies by name brand Italian companies and subsequently bring in Chinee management and Chinese workers. No wonder COVID spread is fast there. Here is YC grabbing his pudenda and trying to distract attention form his fascists brothers in China.

8 Famous Italian Brands Now Chinese-Owned

"The community of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the past ten years. Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy, although these figures do not account"

Jon said...

Time the riots started targeting meaningful targets, possibly huge media outlets ? Not a fan of attacking the police the replacement can only be worse