Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Year Ago The New York Times Was Predicting A Covid-19 Vaccine Would Take Years To Develop

WNU Editor: I have been wrong in some of my predictions over the years. 

But WOW! 

This New York Times commentator and the experts that he quotes were completely and totally off even in their best case scenarios .... How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take? (Stuart A. Thompson, New York Times). 

Hat tip Instapundit.


Anonymous said...

Moore's Law applies to genetics as well as computer tech. Sequencing of genes is faster, more reliable and more widespread.

Widespread is important, because it lights a fire under researchers and drug companies although not as big as one might hope. As soon as a drug company reported a candidate for approval other drug candidates popped up.

Drug development was held up 2 to 6 weeks due to politics. People died because of drug companies. Any time in the next 2 or 3 years that the government wants to find out and prove it they can unless a drug company wants to violate records retention laws, Given the alternative, the drug company would shred their files and take the hit.

Anonymous said...

Biden said the vaccine wouldn't be available until summer during the debates.

Anonymous said...

An interesting post and comments
1. the N Times piece was opinion based on the history of previous vaccine developments. Turned out that the vaccine was given priority even before the usual testing period. And so Instapundit, like WNU, seems to feel the need to badmouth the paper. Rather odd: they should be delighted that the development got earlier acceptance.
2. Biden too stated we would not have vaccine so soon. He was wrong in his guess, a guess, no doubt based on what experts predicted. But a chance to badmouth Biden.
3 the facts: the NY Times has done very sell in new viewers. Biden has become president. And Trump? well he fucked up on the virus handling to the point that experts all suggest that this mishandling cost him the election.
(ps: anyone drinking the cool aid he suggested? or still believing it would quickly pass, as he said it would. Or that it was fully under control when he said that? Or that in fact he lost the election though he still does not admit that¿

B.Poster said...

They didn't count on Trump's leadership that enabled this. Otherwise we'd be relying on the Russians and the Chinese to provide us with vaccines.

Anonymous said...

"Biden too stated we would not have vaccine so soon. He was wrong in his guess,"

Biden was misled by experts? Really? Who were his experts? Fauci and similar people? Biden is very narrow minded. His people were not talking to Moderna and Pfizer? Trump's people were. Biden's people cannot do Concurrent Product/Process Development?

Did Fauci spend more time in Wuhan than he did at Pfizer or Moderna? 400K a year and how much management by walking around? No wonder there never was a cure for HIV under Fauci's watch.

No one in Biden camp can come up critical path method estimates? The processes in vaccine development are known of course you have to come up with 2 estimates due to the possibility of a waiver.

You know 9:40 you can write well enough when you want to, but you insist on putting up an act most of the time. Writing half way well or like a goof, your posts are always lame strawmen.

So (3) the NYT has new viewers, so we are suppose the NBC telecast has new readers.

Actually the vaccines should not have been rushed. In a normal world they would not have been rushed. But the Democrats and other turds whipped up hysteria.

" based on the history of previous vaccine developments."

Did they take into account advances in DNA sequencing? If you go back through the news reports they said the only thing that could not be rush were the actual trials. The 3rd phase was waived.

Did you precious NYT flow chart the process? Nah, you can lie much easier with mealy mouth words and semantic games than charts and diagrams. After all words are whatever a liberal wants them to mean.

9:40 you remain as you were, a punk ass shit.

Anonymous said...

NYT reliable

"WaPo and NYT Retract Smear of Rudy Giuliani that Falsely Claimed FBI Gave Him Defensive Briefings on Russian Influence Ops"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

New York Times has a news/opinion problem, they forgot how to distinguish the two.

Biden campaigned on Trump lying about the vaccine rollout, and the media took his side no questions asked.

Anyone who listens to an idiot wearing 2 masks outdoors needs to have their head examined.

Anonymous said...

Wnu you should take a stand and not quote this shit paper called NYT

Think of all the lies they spread
All the wars they talked us into
The lives they wilfully destroyed

We need a class action lawsuit against cnn,nytimes and these other media ghouls

They're scum
They're the downfall of society

Don't quote these ghouls

Anonymous said...

10:43 (Troll)

First, no one mentioned the Arizona Audit on this thread until you brought it up. As Rush Limbaugh said Leftists always tell you what they fear.

I do not expect Biden to be deposed and Trump installed due to the audit. I do expect proof of massive fraud. I also expect Democrats trying to shoot the messenger or muddy the waters.

Your a troll using a fake persona or you are dumbass GI Bill recipient that a dishonest college took money from and gave (not earned) a folded piece of paper.

What you have proven over and over is that you cannot utilize charts/graphs, algorithms or just about any analytical tool. It is as Heinlein said. You are not fully human.


Anonymous said...

Shows you NYT readers are vastly overrated.