Saturday, May 1, 2021

India's Daily Covid-19 Case Count Passes 400,000 For The First Time As The Situation On The Ground Worsens

CNBC/Reuters: India’s daily Covid-19 cases pass 400,000 for first time as second wave worsens 

* India posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday. 

* It was the first time India’s daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from Covid-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours. 

* Some experts blame mass religious gatherings and political rallies for the severity of India’s second wave, which caught the government unprepared. 

India posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday as the country opened up its massive vaccination drive to all adults, although several states warned of acute shortages. 

It was the first time India’s daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. 

Deaths from Covid-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours, taking the total toll in India to 211,853, according to official data. 

The world’s biggest producer of Covid-19 vaccines has a limited number of shots available, worsening a grim second wave of infections that has overwhelmed hospitals and morgues while families scramble for scarce medicines and oxygen. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This pandemic is far from over .... No pandemic end in sight with raging outbreaks in India, Brazil (MedicalXpress).  

Update: The people that I follow and trust on the pandemic are raising the alarm bells on the Covid-19 variants (and apparently there are three of them) that are wrecking India right now. 

But what I do not understand is how countries outside of India are responding. 

On the one hand you have Australia threatening jail time and massive fines for returning passengers from India .... Australia makes it ILLEGAL for citizens to fly home from Covid-ravaged India - and offenders face five years' jail and $66,600 fines (Daily Mail). 

But on the other-hand you have this take your time approach from the U.S. .... Biden FINALLY announces he will restrict travel from India from Tuesday amid nation's raging COVID epidemic where medics say 30K are dying a day from three new deadly variants (Daily Mail).

 Am I missing something?


Anonymous said...

Totally off topic, but epic!

Dave Goldstein said...

More than 20 variants now. 3 are deadly. 1 doesn't work with any vaccines. sa

Anonymous said...

IT CAME FROM A FOOD MARKET! NOW SHUT UP OR WE WON'T STOP MURDERING THE ELDERLY. I mean.. the bat virus won't stop murdering. Not us, the CCP, Fauci, NIH and all these insane bastards that went on behind the public's back and kept funding illegal gain of function research



Kamil said...

Yes you are missing the right numbers..

Actual numbers are 100 times more then the numbers shown by govt. people of small town going to cities for treatment and they are being turned down for treatment due to massive number of cases. Dead bodies are on the streets and nobody wanna claim whose family that body belong to. PM of India hiding somewhere nobody. Absolutely chaotic circumstances and everybody is by their own. No govt help. FYI it was inside look.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Give us that Olde Time Panic Porn

Give us that Olde Time Panic Porn

Yes siree!

Give us that Olde Time Panic Porn

Cuz we want an economic recession or better yet WAR!


Give us that Olde Time Panic Porn!

?Severe COVID in Young People Can Be Mostly Explained by Obesity

Anonymous said...

"We found that the lowest risk was found among those with a BMI of 23, at which point the risk increased linearly ..."

There is a nice graph as well. If you do not understand the Laffer curve, then do not try to understands this curve. Just hang your head in shame and make like an Eskimo, who walks into the wind until they can't g on.

"Severe COVID in young people can mostly be explained by obesity – new study"

B.Poster said...

"Am I missing something?" It's hard to say. Each country's situation is unique so how they handle the situation will be unique.

In the US we have am awesome ability to test people for the virus and to contact trace. Cult leader Fauci told us we needed this and former president Trump made it a priority to put this I'm place. Also, the US government has the ability to implement crushing punishment on anyone within our borders that they choose at any time. After all we endured one of the most brutal lockdowns in the world.

Perhaps the Aussies lack such contact tracing and testing capabilities and they may not be able to implement draconian actions on a moment's notice the way the US government can. As such, their approach will be different than ours.

Additionally I don't think Australia has an independent vaccination meaning they need to buy it from someone else. Obviously those developing the vaccine are going to get first dibs on the "boosters" that fight the "variants" enabling them to respond much more quickly to events as they develop.

What is the financial costs of forcing an American or Australian citizen to remain in India during this time and who compensates them? In the US basic Civil liberties exist to a certain extent. I'm not sure about Australia

I find it interesting that some "experts" blame "religious gatherings" for the spread of this. While it's been well known that pathogens spread among groups, I find it interesting which groups Actually spread the virus according to the "experts."

It seems only gatherings that aren't sanctioned by the leadership class actually spread the virus. For example, the George Floyd protests were the ultimate mass gatherings in America but apparently according to these "experts" that had no bearing. On the other hand people wishing to attend church, wishing to get together on Memorial Day, or attend a Trump rally are spreading the virus even though their gatherings are miniscule compared to the George Floyd protests.

US government actions regarding this don't match the rhetoric. Baxed upon the actions they don't believe this thing is as serious as they are telling us it is.

You ask are you missing something. There seems to be other factors at work. What are they? While I have theories, I'm not sure and perhaps this is what we're "missing."

AZuLike said...

Everyone run in terror!! The Flu *cough* covid infecting a population the size of Tucson. Jesus Christ really... Its like less than 1%. Yet your mask will save you, but wait theres more... Get 2 shots not fully approved by the FDA. Still got to wear your mask.

B.Poster said...

Nailed it!!

Anonymous said...

All those morons lining up to take an experimental shot, with no long term safety profile AND still wear the mask...I don't know... maybe that's the same people who vote Democrat.
You can shoot them in the head and bill them for the bullet and your time and they'll say thank you.
An experimental mRNA drug.
No long term safety profile
Women bleeding
Fertility issues
Septic shocks to the coating
And they line up for it. Worse yet, those are the same people that then will demand YOU take that shot too

It's a cult
They say "science, science", but most of them don't have a science degree.
I do. In exactly that field.
I'll not take the mRNA shot unless some years have passed.
Fck these morons

Jon said...

Things must be bad poster is making sense.

Anonymous said...

Tokyo Rose told the truth, when it suited the purposes of her side.