Friday, May 28, 2021

Canada Cancels Commemorative Coin Honouring The Canadian Scientist Who Saved Hundreds Of Millions Of Lives By Discovering Insulin

Sir Frederick Banting File photo  

Toronto Sun: INSULIN SHOCK: Mint cancels Banting from commemorative coin 

Cabinet policy addressing “colonialism, patriarchy, and racism” strikes coin honouring Canadian scientist who discovered insulin 

The Royal Canadian Mint has deleted Nobel Laureate Sir Frederick Banting from a coin commemorating the discovery of insulin. 

 But the Mint honoured James “Skookum Jim” Mason of the Tagish First Nation on a separate coin commemorating the discovery of gold in the Yukon. 

These moves follow a 2019 cabinet policy to address “colonialism, patriarchy, and racism” in history, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. 

“Public demand is high with many people collecting coins,” the Mint said in a statement.

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WNU Editor: Awarded the Military Cross for heroism for being a combat veteran in the First World War. 

After the war works to discover insulin thereby saving hundreds of millions of lives in the past century (link here). 

Is immediately awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in Medicine. 

Sells his insulin patents to the University of Toronto for a dollar!!!!! 

Dies in a plane crash during the Second World War. 

And he is not good enough to be honored in Canada, the country of his birth,  in the year 2021!!!!! 

It is when I read stories like this one that I sadly realize how everything has become politicized in the country that I have chosen to now call home.


Jac said...

Same thing in USA. Sad.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't woke then nor is he now. A has been.

Crusader said...

Perhaps the people complaining should insist on not taking insulin. Double standards are double standards.

Dave Goldstein said...

We are seeing history revised. Usually takes a while. It's not sad it's stupid.

Anonymous said...

Not black enough
That's the reality. Politics and tribalism over merit. Always will be.

Anonymous said...

People who vote liberal, who vote Trudeau in Canada pull crap like this.

Sir Frederick Banting is a great guy. He won a Nobel price in 1923. Does it make him great? This guy is totally, totally AWESOME. He split the prize money 50/50 with a university student Charles Best. Who does that?

Today, in liberal academia undergrads and grads form unions to protect themselves against liberal academia!

Very strong case for Banting. But there are still the problems of white skin and European ancestry.