Sunday, May 2, 2021

China’s 2nd Aircraft Carrier Group ‘Train For Combat Preparedness’ In South China Sea

FILE PHOTO. The Shandong aircraft carrier. © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Li Gang  

Global Times: China’s 2nd aircraft carrier group holds 1st drill in 2021 in S.China Sea, ‘training for combat preparedness’ 

An aircraft carrier group led by China’s second aircraft carrier, the Shandong, is conducting a series of exercises in the South China Sea in its first known voyage of the year, almost immediately after the country’s first carrier, the Liaoning, left the region, and Chinese analysts said on Sunday that the move highlighted the fact that the two aircraft carriers that China currently operates are actively training for combat preparedness. 

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy recently organized the Shandong aircraft carrier group for exercises in waters in the South China Sea, Senior Captain Gao Xiucheng, a spokesperson from the PLA Navy, said in a statement on Sunday.  

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More News On China’s 2nd Aircraft Carrier Group ‘Training For Combat Preparedness’ In South China Sea 

China's carrier group conducts exercises in South China Sea -- CTV/AP  

China says its carrier group conducts exercise in South China Sea -- Reuters 

China Aircraft Carrier Trains in South China Sea: Global Times -- Bloomberg  

Beijing sends aircraft carrier group to disputed South China Sea, vows to ‘uphold national sovereignty & security’ -- RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It brings together China and North Korea two crazy and murderous countries, they do everything for the material and power, capitalist society is feeling the effects that ideology is worth for nothing...