Saturday, May 1, 2021

Former And Active-Duty Navy SEALs Are Sounding The Alarm Over Cases Of Criminality And Drug Use

CBS: Navy SEALs tell CBS News "lawless" members plague teams with criminality, drug abuse and profiteering 

Both former and active-duty Navy SEALs are sounding the alarm over well-documented cases of criminality, drug use and exploitation of the elite military unit's brand, just as they prepare to mark 10 years since a SEAL team killed Osama bin Laden in a daring raid in Pakistan. 

CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge spoke with more than a dozen people in the SEAL community, including current and former SEALs, on the condition of anonymity. They told her that while the vast majority of their fellow SEALs serve honorably, there is a corrupt element in their brotherhood. 

 "We love the job. We love the community. But it has taken a wrong turn," one SEAL told Herridge.  

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WNU Editor: It only takes a few bad apples to taint everyone.


Anonymous said...

Bunch of government losers in the Carolinas are not doing their jobs. All those Social science degrees and they are doing what? A fraction of those people should be informing brass and congress on best practices.

Do you expect a cut above? Yes. Can you expect perfection? No.

Can you calculate rates? Probably. Has anyone tried?

What do forever wars do? They translate the the curve to the Left. It is to be expected.

People like Petreaus, Biden, Clinton, Harris and Congress critters set very good examples.

Anonymous said...

The SEALs are attracting physically extraordinary but morally bankrupt individuals and some get past the screening system. Perhaps their penchant for tell all books and excessive commercialization is the problem.
They need to return to the days of being behind the scenes operators than the news hungry organization they have become. More a leadership problem in the Command and larger Navy than anything else. Leadership likes their toys and naval special warfare has become one of them.

If the government needs to get some work done that needs to never see the light of day the SEALs probably aren’t the choice to make.

Anonymous said...

Generals can write books and cash in but enlisted may not?

You can solve the problem easily by looking at abstract variables.

I bet the Chinese soldiers in Djibouti are all warrior monks.