Thursday, May 20, 2021

New Book Details Former President Obama’s Real Thoughts On President Trump: ‘Madman … Racist, Sexist Pig, A F***ing Lunatic’

President Barack Obama greets President-elect Donald Trump at his inauguration on 20 January 2017. Photograph: Carlos Barría/Reuters  

Daily Mail: Barack Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' a 'f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er,' according to new book 

 * Former President Barack Obama had a number of choice names for President Donald Trump , a new book reveals 

 * Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er'  

 * Journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere writes about Obama's comments in his book 'Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump' 

Former President Barack Obama had a number of choice names for President Donald Trump, a new book reveals. 

Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic, writes in his forthcoming book, 'Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump,' Obama called Trump a 'madman,' a 'racist, sexist pig,' 'that f***ing lunatic' and a 'corrupt motherf***er.' 

Obama's reactions were varied depending on what Trump had done.  

Read more ....  

Update: ‘Madman … racist, sexist pig’: new book details Obama’s real thoughts on Trump (The Guardian)  

WNU Editor: A far more interesting book would have been on how former President Obama and his allies acted in the 2016 Presidential election campaign. Spying on Trump's campaign team. Pushing the Russian collusion narrative before and after the inauguration. Allies leaking information and intel on the Trump administration. Disinformation. Etc..


Anonymous said...

if there was ever any doubt about Obama, no more. All thoughts of Trump is just name calling. What names for Obama? Childish. Dangerous. Traitorous. Insidious. Leftist. That America seems willing to follow this man reveals how much the leftist news media molds the public opinion of the simple American public. The end of the American empire can not be far off.

Anonymous said...

They're all working for globalists

The only crime that Trump committed is actually fulfilling campaign promises to his voters. This cannot stand.

The radical left DEMANDS obedience to the state party. They're like the CCP.

They take your rights.

They take your guns.

They take your liberties.

They're removing all opposing voices.

They're removing Republicans from the military.

They're dismantling and vilifying the police text-book style like in nazi Germany to replace them with their goose stepping goons

They stole the election

They used terror in the streets for political gain

They make a mockery of justice

They ignore due process, presumption of innocence

They apply the law unevenly

They used the IRS to target Republicans

They try to get rid of religion to replace it with obedience to the state party

They used the Wuhan virus and misleading PCR tests(see what Dr. MULLIS had to say about this, Fauci and the PCR test, which he -dr. Mullis- invented

They indoctrinate your kids

They demand you wear masks

They demand you shut down your business

They scream science science but barely know any

They're defending pedo Biden

They're in bed with China

They're TRAITORS!!!



They're demonic

This is our war

yogi 22 said...
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yogi 22 said...

I always read the editor's comments on the fabulous collection of news items he presents. Usually interesting, informative and insightful, unlike the majority Krap (see the preceding above) that usually follows from trolls on both sides of the political spectrum. However, I am disappointed in his classic "whataboutism" comment to this article. How about a comment on Obama's rude comments?

Anonymous said...

Obama is and remains far above popularity among American voters than Trump was. Obama won two terms. Trump could not win a second term. (think he won the second one, then prove it).
This partisan guy says Obama rightly called Trump what he is, had been earlier in life, and remains to this day

Anonymous said...

Yogi the left is in control of much of the media

Leftists say it's all nonsense but something doesn't smell right

How come the MSM media nearly 100% overlaps with what Democrats want?

How come they suppress crucial information ahead of the vote? See what Twitter did@New York Post story on Biden's connection and money laundering with China and his pedophelia

They put compromised people who have shown to have no moral compass into powerful positions

I don't know who the people at the top and hidden from your and my eyes are but their actions are evil, destructive and have killed scores of people

They're truly demonic

make citizen arrests. Come in the thousands like a flash mob if necessary

The election WAS stolen
Biden no way got 80mn views, this corrupt, senile, mean spirited ghoul

Do not give an inch

Demand vote audits
Remove electronic voting machines
Demand voter ID

and most important... MAKE EXAMPLES.. arrest them.. life long prison sentences for destroying law and order and bringing your country close to collapse

If you keep on having protected classes OF COURSE the wickedness accelerates as there's no mechanism to adjust their behaviour

They bailed out BLM and Antifa terrorists
How much more evidence do you all need?


Anonymous said...

"Obama's most intense reaction - his calling of Trump 'that corrupt motherf***er' - came after he had learned that Trump was holding phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin without aides on the line. "
[unprecedented and we still do not know what was said about anything.]

Anonymous said...

Obama is a racist. He has been, since at least college. Obama would be a sexist, but he is too afraid o Michelle to be open about it.

Trump Awards
* Humanitarian Award by the National Jewish Health (1976)
* Tree of Life Award by the Jewish National Fund (1983)
* Ellis Island Medal of Honor for his work as a successful developer in New York City. (1986)

Wo, it looks like Trump was pro-Jewish when the country outside of New York was not looking or did not care. So how does Fred, who once shook hands with Simon Wiesenthal treat Trump? Like a ungrateful person. No shame

Anonymous said...

That's nothing new, the left is full of racists... just look at Lori Lightfoot.. unbelievable she's still in office.. or Maxine Waters... unbelievable what's going on in your country.

I fear for the US. The radical Democrat party is out of control and is no longer following any moral compass

Anonymous said...

The left lies constantly and because of the unholy slogans of big tech and media they're in full control.

You need to go on the offense!
You need to hit them where it hurts
Put their corrupt leaders into dark prison cells and let people know what they did

And you have to cleanse the corrupt FBI
And it needs to start today

Anonymous said...

Jill Biden to Kamala Harris After 2019 Presidential Debate: “Go F*ck Yourself”

Gold diggers get into a cat fight.

Anonymous said...


fred said...

So what?
She addressed this recently
Trump lost is loser and horse manure comments alter nada
Game over

Anonymous said...

Game over? Then why are you still struggling?

Anonymous said...

When they finally execute these Marxist terrorists and those who participated in the election coup, I'll watch it and have some popcorn.