Monday, May 17, 2021

Russia Warns West Against Arctic Encroachment Ahead Of Arctic Council Talks

Moscow Times/AFP: Russia Warns West Against Arctic Encroachment Ahead of Talks 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday warned Western countries against staking claims in the Arctic, as global warming makes the region more accessible and a site of global competition.

Lavrov's comments came ahead of a ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council that comprises Russia, the United States, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland on Wednesday and Thursday in Rejkavik. 

"It has been absolutely clear for everyone for a long time that this is our territory, this is our land," Lavrov said at a press conference in Moscow."We are responsible for ensuring our Arctic coast is safe," he said. 

As climate change makes the Arctic more accessible, global interest in the region's natural resources, its navigation routes and its strategic position has grown among members of the Arctic Council as well as China.

Read more .... 

Update: The Arctic presents a test of US-Russian ties ahead of expected Biden-Putin summit (SBS) 

WNU Editor: The U.S. and its allies have been slow in realizing how important the Arctic is .... Panel Warns of Economic and Military Impacts from Russia’s Plans for Arctic (USNI News).


Anonymous said...

Just look at the number of ice breakers Russia has. I think they outnumber US by 10:1 or more, underlining your point that the US, in this field as in many others, has dropped the ball.

Other fields include hyper sonic rockets, where the US is behind by easily 2 years if not more(unless those things at the east coast are American of course, then I'll take it back Haha)

But in general, and on a more important point, the US unnecessarily makes an enemy out of Russia. It's so insane. Most Russians are fun to be around. Most Russians share A LOT MORE culturally with the West than China, from religion to ethnicity to cultural issues the Russians are so much closer to us than Chinese. So why keep this cold war going?

Jac said...

Anon 6:10

Adam said...

Very well said and totally agree!

B.Poster said...

Anon at 6:10 has nailed it. There's little that can be added.

Anonymous said...

Why keep it going. Because Fred and people like him want it that way!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all lol

@902... I've been talking to fred on this board for years. He has been shown to be wrong consistently, ie he's a consistent leftist. Misguided. Uniformed. Wrong.

BUT he doesn't want war with Russia. He's just still infected with the "Russia made Trump win in 2016" talking points. It was perhaps the most effective media campaign in this century.

CNN alone, on thousand occasions, over 2.5 years, called trump a Russian asset and former intelligence employees went on air and firmly claimed the most insane things for 2.5 years. With no proof.

And when they were proven wrong, there was no correction. So people like Fred to this day still believe the Russia narrative.

What is most striking is that people like him don't seem to learn. It's fascinating. They don't realise just what CNN is, that it IS a propaganda arm for the Democrat party. It's easily verifiable too. It's sad. It's so sad. People like him make democracy fail and THEY know it. They use him to change outcomes ags they succeed over and over, as there are no consequences for this web of lies they built for years.

It also shows you how corrupt the system has become. The media can call the president a Russian asset, traitor sexist, deplorable, racist etc etc for years while not reporting on his many accomplishments.

And, as long as the MSM is 80-90%leftists this will not change. We need a media revolution as this is more likely to succeed than trying to talk to people like fred. I've done it for 5 years nearly, proven correct on dozen occasions. ZERO learning on his side. It's sad, but that's humans.. we're easily manipulated. So easy.

Jon said...

Lol precious responders enjoy your cornflakes while you can. These totalitarian people enjoy the gift you just keep giving. But no you all just go woke now everything will be fine. Surrender everything and hug that whatever it is hysterical bot you’ll be fine

Anonymous said...

And importantly.. the lies from the leftist media not only went on for years without any major consequences, BUT think of this:
They did all this while they helped China to rob you blind. They covered for the many human rights atrocities in China too. Until 2020 CNN made most of its money by promoting Chinese interests, invest in China, travel to China, buy China... I should second most, as the biggest income was from pharmaceutical ads, but.. as most of those are produced in China too, and much of the revenue remains there, I'm not too far off.

But the leftists Marxist fanatic media's basically gave cover for your most dangerous rival WHILE throwing your country into chaos for years, overtaking the political process and so on.. imagine what Trump could have done without his hands tied behind his back and the media calling him traitor for years and Intel ghouls going on CNN and msnbc and REPEATEDLY claiming they have direct and credible evidence.

It's unbelievable that these people, these traitors to mankind, still get to breathe the same air as you and I

fred said...

Having been established as the GOP’s undisputed ruler, Trump is encountering some of the headaches and tensions common to all autocrats. The first and most obvious is the lack of a clear succession principle. In 2020, the party proudly defined itself as an organization devoted to Trump, forgoing the creation of a party platform beyond ‘We ❤ Trump.’ No wonder other notables who would seem to have their own independent bases of support, like Nikki Haley and Sen. Mitch McConnell, can’t bring themselves to quit him, and dissidents like Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger face de facto excommunication. How could any of them make a claim to become the new leader of the party if the party only exists to serve the current leader? Because actively opposing Trump is impossible, Republicans with presidential ambitions have no choice but to ingratiate themselves with him in the hope of gaining an advantageous position in the squabble for his endorsement should he choose not to run.

Another issue common to both authoritarian regimes and the Trump-era Republican party is the paucity of trustworthy, honest information. Most autocrats struggle to figure out who is telling them the truth and who is a yes-man—the incentives of lower-level officials to inflate their success to their superiors are infamous. Trump embraces the problem, eschewing anyone who dares to give him bad news.

And then, of course, there’s the brain drain. One of the problems of strangling and restricting a society for political expediency is that there are always other options. The people with the most human capital—extraordinary abilities, intelligence, skills, etc.—are the most likely to defect. The Soviet Union and its allies leaked talent at an extraordinary rate. Judging by how many former Republican luminaries have publicly broken with Trump, the Republican party, or both, its brain drain could be even quicker.

Anonymous said...

Proudly skipping Fredo's comments since 2015

Anonymous said...

The GOP’s Telltale Signs of Authoritarianism

"Having been established as the GOP’s undisputed ruler, Trump is encountering some of the headaches and tensions common to all autocrats..."

Why would someone desperately post propaganda by the discredited Lincoln Project four time in four separate blogposts. Is it a cry for help?

The Lincoln project was cofounded by a pedophile and a back stabber.

Remember the peeps, who said :If trump gets elected he is going to start a war?". Or the peeps who said he would never leave the White House voluntarily? Same peeps are now telling us he is a dictator. Lib-Logic!