Friday, May 28, 2021

Top WHO Official Says Investigations Into The Origins Of Covid-19 Are Being 'Poisoned By Politics'

Executive Director of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) emergencies program Mike Ryan speaks at a news conference on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Geneva, Switzerland. Denis Balibouse, Reuters  

CNBC: WHO says Covid origin investigation is being ‘poisoned by politics’ 

* A top WHO official said Friday that investigations into the origins of Covid-19 are being “poisoned by politics.” 

* The WHO has been repeatedly accused of allowing the Chinese government to avoid a thorough investigation into the origins of Covid-19. 

* U.S. health officials continue to maintain that the virus likely has zoonotic, or animal, origins. 

A top World Health Organization official said Friday that investigations into the origins of Covid-19 are being “poisoned by politics.” 

U.S. President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he’s ordered intelligence agencies to conduct “a report on their most up-to-date analysis of the origins of Covid-19, including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident.” 

The WHO has come under increasing pressure in recent days from U.S. and European officials to take another look at whether the coronavirus could have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, after a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report came to light, revealing that three researchers sought hospital care after falling ill with Covid-like symptoms in November 2019. 

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Update: Search for origin of COVID-19 'poisoned by politics', says WHO expert (Reuters) 

WNU Editor: I just have to laugh. The leadership of the World Health Organization is nothing but politics. And now they are accusing others of doing what they have been doing since the start of the pandemic.


Jac said...

WHO: Worst Horrible Organization

Anonymous said...

I was super straight but Obungler made me gay.

Dave Goldstein said...
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Anonymous said...

It's that pickup you claim to have.