Friday, May 28, 2021

U.S. Congress To Introduce Two Bills That Will Allow US Covid Victims To Sue China, And The Establishment Of A 9/11-Style Truth Commission Into The Origins Of The Pandemic

Daily Mail: House to introduce two bills that will let US COVID victims' families sue China and set up a 9/11-style commission into the origins of the virus 

* Members of the House are expected to introduce two new COVID-related bill on Friday 

* One that would allow victims' families to sue China and other countries 'that have intentionally misled the international community on the outbreak' 

* A second would set up a 9/11 style commission to look into the origins of the pandemic 

 * The commission would give recommendations on what the U.S. needed to manufacture at home to prevent future supply shortages 

 * Both bills are supported by a bipartisan group of lawmakers 

Members of the House are expected to introduce two new COVID-related bills, one that would allow victims' families to sue China and another that would set up a 9/11-style commission to look into the origins of the pandemic. 

Fox News reported Friday that Democratic Rep. Conor Lamb and Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, both of Pennsylvania, will be releasing the 'Never Again International Outbreak Prevention Act,' which will strip China's sovereign immunity against lawsuits. 

The bill also targets any other countries 'that have intentionally misled the international community on the outbreak.'  

Read more ....  

Update: House bills targeting China would launch coronavirus 'origins' probe, allow victims' families to sue Beijing (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: These two bills will have wide-spread public support. 

On a side note. 

1,339 Americans died from Covid-19 yesterday .... Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count (New York Times).


Anonymous said...

1) CONgress creates commissions, whenever it wants to pass the buck

2) You want a way, you will get a war. This will do it. It probably will be a Cold War, but The Cold War was quite Hot. Ask the Koreans, Vietnamese, Greeks, Ukrainians, Tibetans, Africans, Latin Americans ... A Cold War is a lot like a recession. There is a definition, but like recession you never know, when you are in the 1st or 2nd quarter of one. We are probably in or headed to a Cold War. Like a recession how deep or long it will be is dependent on the actions of governments and people.

3) Like CO2 emissions, China will throw COVID right back at us. The Chinese have argued that China's CO@ emission belong to the US since the manufactured good are shipped there. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab via a cutout. China will home in on that.

Maybe Fauci never intended to fund gain of function research. Maybe. But China or no China what sticks in my craw is that while the Fauci Funds may not have funded gain of function research, it allowed cost shifting. So in my book Fauci is guilty.

Unknown said...

Chinese fools most of them got hell 2 pay mostly in government and military

Unknown said...

U lost it Chinese monkey's

Unknown said...

I can't believe u fools are alive spreading sin around the earth

B.Poster said...

"So in my book Fauci is guilty." I agree entirely. He's a con artist and a bad one at that!! It's a great mystery to me as to how so many of our citizens fell head over heels I'm love with him. Perhaps, as a business owner/manager I've learned over many years how to spot con artists.

Fauci was one of the architects of the devastating "lockdowns" or at least he did nothing to actively oppose them. Surely as a physician he knew about the devastating health effects that this would cause. Also, inexpensive treatments such as HCQ and others have been shown to have enormous utility and are known to be as safe as any drug can be. As an infectious disease expert, Surely he knew all of this. Had a massive effort been undertaken to massively distribute and utilize HCQ early on many lives would have been saved. Not only did Fauci not push for this. Instead he appeared to support demonization of this effort. Of course he doesn't treat actual patients so to call him an "expert" is a bit of an oxymoron.

Yes, he is guilty. As the leader of our response when the pandemic began, at a minimum, he's guilty of gross incompetence. Our response to this had been far worse than the virus itself. As bad as the Chinese response to this has been and it seems to have been very bad, they did not order the ridiculous response of our leadership class.

Anonymous said...

Having a troll like B(e) (Im)poster piggyback on your comments is always a bad thing.

B.Poster said...

If there is general agreement and additional information is provided, I fail to see why this is a bad thing. Essentially finding out the origins of the virus is definitely important and, if it's a bio weapon, this obviously changes a great deal. I'm also interested in trying to determine how we ended up with the ridiculous response our government came up with. The response has caused more harm than the virus itself ever could.

Accusing me of being an imposter is suggesting I'm lying about who I am. You can verify that I am being truthful by making the effort to contact me with the information I have provided. To date you haven't done so. Yet you continue with baseless insults.

If there is disagreement on something I've posted, we can discuss. This oftentimes how we learn!! Baseless insults such as yours have no place here or pretty much anywhere.

Oftentimes people will elaborate on what others say or write to provide additional insights or to further discuss. Part of the problem with "anonymous" is I'm not always quite sure who I am responding to. Suggestion: use a screen name and if you don't want to discuss things we will know we need to just ignore you.

We both seem to agree that Fauci is guilty. In my considered opinion, at best, his medical license should be taken. I'm pleased to see many others are finally catching on. Even some in the media seem to be beginning to catch on!! Since he has become a cult like figure with a?massive abd devoted following, I am curious to see what bringing him down would actually look like.

Your post before you decided to baselessly insult me was very helpful. Thank you.