Friday, June 11, 2021

Afghanistan: A Journey Through Taliban Country


France 24: Afghanistan: A journey through Taliban country 

President Joe Biden has pledged to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan by September 11. As a result, other Western nations are also downsizing and repatriating their forces. The stage is set for a return of the Taliban, 20 years after being ousted by a US-led military coalition in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. In this report for Arte and FRANCE 24, correspondents Solène Chalvon Fioriti and Margaux Benn offer an in-depth look at Taliban-run schools and courts -- and a chilling foretaste of daily life under Islamic fundamentalists.  

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WNU Editor: This is a disturbing video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We open our eyes for the first and only know that we are here. we do not know why. then the habituation begins and we become who we are. All of that in this video seems barbaric to us, but you would find female defenders of the lifestyle/culture customs. I am reminded of the "civilized" whites, Mexicans and blacks, captured as children by the Comanche, which lived by western standards, a brutal and harsh lifestyle. But, repatriated to Western civilization many escaped to return to live with the Comanche.

I am reminded that throughout history, so as not to have a re-emergence of an enemy, the conquered were slaughtered. 20th Century Communists know this tactic well. I have said all along that, so as not to be wasting time, money and lives in Afghanistan, you need to round up every hard eyed bastard there and kill them. But we do not have a morale right to do that. So just get the hell out of there and leave them to their lives. This planet suffers extinction level catastrophes every so often and what will it have ever mattered then.
