Friday, June 11, 2021

Ex-Mossad Chief Appears To Admit That Israel Is Behind Iran Nuclear Attacks

The comments by Yossi Cohen, speaking to Israel's Channel 12 investigative program 'Uvda' in a segment aired Thursday night, offered an extraordinary debriefing by the head of the typically secretive agency in what appears to be the final days of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule  

Daily Mail: 'If a man endangers Israel, he must stop existing': Mossad chief appears to admit Israeli assassinations and blowing up Iranian nuclear plant in extraordinary TV interview 

* Yossi Cohen warned that Israel would assassinate those who 'constitutes a capability that endangers the citizens of Israel 

* He gave a clear warning to scientists in Iran's nuclear program that they could become targets for assassination 

* Cohen offered the closes acknowledgement yet his country was behind attacks targeting Iran's nuclear program and military scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh 

The outgoing chief of Israel's Mossad intelligence service has offered the closest acknowledgment yet his country was behind recent attacks targeting Iran's nuclear program and a military scientist. 

The comments by Yossi Cohen, speaking to Israel's Channel 12 investigative program 'Uvda' in a segment aired Thursday night, offered an extraordinary debriefing by the head of the typically secretive agency in what appears to be the final days of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule. 

It also gave a clear warning to other scientists in Iran's nuclear program that they too could become targets for assassination even as diplomats in Vienna try to negotiate terms to try to salvage its atomic accord with world powers.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: He may have stopped himself from completely confirming these attacks against Iran. But his message is very clear that. Israel is responsible and will continue to target those who are helping Iran's nuclear program.. 

 More News On Former Mossad Chief's Acknowledgement That Israel Is Behind Iran Nuclear Attacks 

Ex-Mossad chief signals Israel attacked Iran nuclear assets -- AP  

Israel ex-top spy reveals Mossad operations against Iran -- BBC 

Ex-Mossad chief signals Israel culpability for Iran attacks -- The Guardian  

Ex-Mossad chief indicates Israel was behind Iranian nuclear facility explosion and military scientist assassination -- RT  

Mossad Chief Stops Short of Confirming Israel Behind Iran Nuclear Attacks -- Newsweek  

In stunning, revelatory interview, ex-Mossad chief warns Iran, defends Netanyahu -- Times of Israel


Anonymous said...

Fucking brilliant...

'The man who was responsible for these explosions, it becomes clear, made sure to supply to the Iranians the marble foundation on which the centrifuges are placed,' Dayan said. 'As they install this foundation within the Natanz facility, they have no idea that it already includes an enormous amount of explosives.'

Jac said...

Israel is very efficient.