Friday, June 11, 2021

Does President Biden Have A 'Weak Hand' When He Meets President Putin Later Next Week?

Christian Whiton, 19FortyFive: U.S.-Russia Summit: Joe Biden Has a Weak Hand vs. Putin 

Joe Biden has begun his first foreign trip as president, which will culminate in a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Despite America’s technological, financial, and military advantages, Biden actually enters the meeting with a weaker hand. 

The trip nearly five months into Biden’s presidency comes much later than those of his predecessors. Presidents Obama and George W. Bush both traveled abroad during the first months of their presidencies, although President Trump waited until May. While the White House attributed the delay to the coronavirus pandemic, Biden was fully vaccinated before he took office in January. The delay has contributed to concerns about the 78-year-old president’s stamina, and Putin in particular will be looking for signs of mental or physical exhaustion by the American president by the end of the six-day trip.  

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WNU Editor: I do not know if President Biden has a weak hand in his meeting with President Putin. There are many things that President Putin wants from President Biden. The end of sanctions being on the top of the list. But President Putin also lives in the real world, and he knows that President Biden is going to give him nothing. The expectations from the Kremlin are so low, that on Russian media I have been hearing pundits wondering why President Putin is going to summit int he first place. 

And while some are predicting a train-wreck .... The Coming Biden/Putin Train-Wreck Summit (Ron Paul). My prediction is the opposite. I expect this will be a quiet and uneventful meeting where both leaders will express their positions, and where nothing of substance will be forwarded.


jimbrown said...

Bisen does have an empty bank account.

To whom should I make the check? Hunter? As usual?

Anonymous said...

It is a win win. Biden looks presidential for merely showing up and reading his note cards to Putin and Putin is talking to one of the two purported world leaders on the international stage.

Macron Merkel and the Beltway will gush over Biden's statesmanship.

Jac said...

There are two kind of expectations from Putin. The first is politically: none. The second is the evaluation of Biden. Putin is an expert of KGB and, at the level he had, the spectrum of the opposite side is a priority. Putin will have the exact evaluation of Biden and it is a treasure for the future action of Putin.

Anonymous said...

can not ever argue policy so dump childish shit. Trump the
perv heading for long court time very soon and he knows it as does his family. The grand jury meets now three times a week and Trump cronies will rat him out. Support your criminal!

Anonymous said...

7:51 you have been promising Trump n prison for years. If has been over 5 full months and 2 partials months since Biden came to office. Biden has had the equivalent in 5 months in power and still no Trump in jail.

150 days and counting.

You keep promising. You also promised the check was in the mail and ...