Friday, June 11, 2021

Has China Overtaken America In Presidential Diplomacy?

Neil Thomas, Lowy Institute: China Overtakes America in Presidential Diplomacy  

Memo for the White House: You should get out more. 

Joe Biden is about to fly to the United Kingdom on his first foreign visit as U.S. President. Biden will attend the G7 summit in Cornwall from 11–13 June, head to Belgium for summits with NATO and the European Union on 14–15 June, then meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Switzerland the following day. His trip will be the first time time Air Force One has carried the president abroad since Donald Trump went to London in December 2019, before Covid-19 closed international borders and made diplomacy virtual. 

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WNU Editor: It is true that Chinese President Xi travels a lot. He understands better than most leaders in the world that this type of diplomacy helps promote China's foreign policy and agenda. 

Kudos to former President Trump doing the traveling that he did during his 4 year term. If it was not for the pandemic, he would have traveled just as much as Clinton, Bush, and Obama did during their eight year terms. 

Unfortunately. I do not see President Biden doing much traveling. 

Since 2019 his traveling was always limited, and I do not see that changing much in the future. In fact this 8 day trip is the most that he has done in two to three years. 

For the Chinese. To no one's surprise. This is a vacuum that they are happy to step in.


Anonymous said...

Biden is illegitimate
The sooner you deal with this reality, the better for justice, the role of law and the republic in general.
This ghoul, this perverted, mean, incompetent and corrupt demon should be in a dark prison cell. What's wrong with people to go along with this lie, this spit in the face of democracy?
It's a coup
The left is guilty
It's on tape
Statistical impossiblities

Get rid of these demons in our society.

Anonymous said...


6:11 could be a troll like you. His stuff IMO is overwrought but mostly or all true. I don't know his angle for sure, but I know yours.

All we got form you in reply to 6:11 was unsupported derision expressed by you ungrammatically. It is your signature move.

Jac said...

Anon 7:34

Enjoy the present time, it will not be for ever. I worry for you if Republican's take the House and the Senate next time, you will have the exact same words we use against Biden for applying them against the "stolen vote by the enemies of the people".

Anonymous said...

Fun isn't it Lapides. How you like that bed you made?

Anonymous said...

if this if that etc etc
deal with reality for a change. trump an utter failure and you true believers too dumb to know otherwise

Anonymous said...

trump an utter failure

From your stand point he was.

He did not start new wars.

He got a COPVID vaccine in 9 months when some experts like Fauci said it would be 2 years.

He got black unemployment down to 5%, which is the lowest in 50 years.

I can see why you hate him and call him a failure.

If you are for real and are not a troll, your writing style sucks.