Thursday, June 3, 2021

If The China Lab-Leak Hypothesis Is Proven True, Expect A Political Earthquake

Photograph: Thomas Peter/Reuters

Thomas Frank, The Guardian: If the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is true, expect a political earthquake 

There was a time when the Covid pandemic seemed to confirm so many of our assumptions. It cast down the people we regarded as villains. It raised up those we thought were heroes. It prospered people who could shift easily to working from home even as it problematized the lives of those Trump voters living in the old economy. 

Like all plagues, Covid often felt like the hand of God on earth, scourging the people for their sins against higher learning and visibly sorting the righteous from the unmasked wicked. “Respect science,” admonished our yard signs. And lo!, Covid came and forced us to do so, elevating our scientists to the highest seats of social authority, from where they banned assembly, commerce, and all the rest.  

Read more ....  

WNU editor: My commentary from this post still holds .... Where The Covid Pandemic Originated Carries Massive Political Consequences (May 28, 2021)


Anonymous said...

It's not a leak
The leak is a cover
It was released

Motive: China was losing the trade war badly in late summer 2019, and was publicly humiliated. My Chinese friends even talked about getting rid of Xi. He's emperor for life. They all thought of getting rid of Xi. It was THAT BAD.

A couple months later, in November 2019 we have documented 3 cases of Corona virus in 3 scientists in the lab. They were likely exposed on purpose.

The Chinese ring fenced Wuhan and let the flights go out to the world.

The Chinese bought up the PPE before we knew what's going on. The Chinese lied about everything.. THEN they went on to sell us faulty(!!!) PPE at inflated prices THEN insulted us and THREATENED us while our grandparents died in isolation wards.

CNN,MSNBC,NY TIMES AND THE WASHINGTON POST WENT ALONG WITH THIS BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND DID THE CHINESE BIDDING. WENT ALONG WITH THE ELECTION THEFT.. they used the"outbreak"to change voting laws and use unconstitutional mail in ballots in the millions just before the election with no oversight, no signature checks

It's a Chinese Democrat coup. They're in on it. HANG THEM ALL

B.Poster said...

Whether the Chinese released it on purpose we own our response to it. China did not order the lockdowns. At best, these were unforced errors, kind of like handing an unearned victory to an adversary. It's also interesting to me that the government response almost seemed calibrated to inflict maximum pain on Trump supporters.

fazman said...

Lockdowns work, many countries including my own are testimony to that.

fazman said...

Now Trump can get all the apologies
China virus...yes, yes it is

Anonymous said...

В 1979 году слухи о том, что сибирская язва убивает десятки или даже тысячи людей, начали просачиваться на Запад. Позже в том же году советские журналы подтвердили некоторые из этих сообщений, отметив, что более сотни человек заразились сибирской язвой после употребления зараженного мяса; более 60 умерли. Трагедия, да, но, возможно, неизбежная: сибирская язва была эндемической среди местных популяций животных.

Представителей разведки США это не убедило. На спутниковых снимках было видно что-то похожее на дезактивационные грузовики по всему городу, при этом значительная активность была сосредоточена на загадочном военном объекте, известном как Compound 19. Аналитики ЦРУ предположили, что Советы по ошибке выпустили боевую форму сибирской язвы.

Советы возмутились. В 1980 году официальное российское информационное агентство опубликовало резкое опровержение под названием «Росток лжи», в котором США обвинили в ложных заявлениях о геополитическом преимуществе. Во время правления Рональда Рейгана ЦРУ стремилось лучше разобраться в том, что произошло. Они попросили Мэтью Мезельсона, выдающегося генетика из Гарварда, который работал над запретом биологического оружия, оценить доказательства.

Мезельсона не убедили данные разведки. В 1980-х годах он развенчал другую связанную теорию - что Советы использовали какое-то грибковое оружие в Лаосе - и первоначально он сделал то же самое с сибирской язвой, фактически подтвердив официальное объяснение, с одной важной оговоркой: отсутствие тщательного исследования места в Свердловск, точно узнать, что произошло, было бы невозможно.

B.Poster said...


There appear to be factors other than lockdowns. In the United States we endured some of the most brutal lockdowns in world history. They failed miserably at slowing the virus. What they did do is devastate whole segments of our economy, exacerbate many chronic illness and bring about many new ones because people couldn't get proper treatment during the height of the government response to the pandemic, and cause or worsen many mental illnesses due to the extreme stress of the situation among other things. Mental illness often causes physical illnesses that can even lead to death. In our case, the lockdowns were an unforced error that handed an unearned victory to an adversary.

In our case, lockdowns definitely did not work and made matters worse. Perhaps Australia was able to shut down entry into the country before the virus could take hold. In such a case, lockdowns might appear to work when in actuality the solution was actually something else. Fortunately we are recovering due in large part to resiliency and tenacity. I'm not sure our overseers in the leadership class expected that!!

Anonymous said...

One crime does not absolve another crime. That is if parts of the American political or media establishment committed crimes legal or moral, it does not absolve the CCP for the crimes it committed.

It appears that China waited 30 to 45 days before reporting the corona outbreak. That is not negligence. That is intentional and culpable. China knew in November 2019 something was up. China has a lopsided age structure. Several years ago the greying of China was a big story. Now not so much. If China got hit hard maybe it was because of the lopsided age structure. Funny, but 18 months from the start of a pandemic that kills old people China adopts a 3 child policy.

It works the other way too. Because the CCP is guilty does not absolve Fauci, the Democrat Party, or the legacy media.

COVID is a war in a way that Afghanistan is not. It affected the entire population. It affected the entire population more severely than 4 years of war during WW2. One third of restaurants went out of business during the lockdowns. This did not happen during WW2.

Problems for Democrats include:

- Not obeying lockdowns: Private Jet Whitmner and French Diner Newsom

- Stuffing CVOID patients into nursing homes in NY, NJ and PA.

(The head PA health authority took his mother out of a nursing home, out her into a hotel, while stuffing sick patients into nursing homes.

If Fauci gave money for gain of function research, you could try him. Depending on the contract language, the lawyers and the jury, who knows if you get a conviction. Right now, Fauci is as fit as a fiddle, but if he were on trial, he might get down on himself and might not make it through a 2 to 4 year trial proceedings. In 20024 if Democrats won, they would sweep it under the rug.

It is very tenuous if you can get a conviction knowing that if you did not directly fund gain of function (GOF) corona research, it would allow the Chinese the ability to shift funds from what Fauci was paying for and fund their own corona GOF research.

Fauci emails are redacted. As time goes on at least some of it will be unredacted, leaked or correctly guessed more of it this year. It could put people in legal trouble.

Anonymous said...

Lockdowns did not work. Look at red states and blue states.

Anonymous said...

El propósito del cierre era proteger a las personas de la propagación del virus hasta el momento en que se desarrollara y distribuyera una vacuna y hubiera un movimiento hacia la inmunidad colectiva. En ese sentido, los encierros funcionaron para aquellos protegidos hasta que recibieron sus vacunas.

Unknown said...

War war war u fools fight Chinese party and kill fools

Unknown said...

There own people don't like communist party