Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Image: Flickr.  

National Interest: Iran's Underwater Advantage is Staggering 

Iran's navy has highly unorthodox prioritization, but that does not mean it is weak.  

Key Point: Perhaps the most striking aspect of Iran’s submarine roster is its sheer size, especially in relation to the rest of its navy. 

Tensions continue to mount between Washington and Iran, with every week bringing forth a new round of diplomatic threats and accusations. 

Back in 2019, Revolutionary Guards commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami gave a blistering speech in which he assured the Iranian parliament that the “vulnerability” of American aircraft carriers will prevent the U.S. military from challenging Iranian power in the Persian Gulf. Such rhetoric is par for the course for Iranian officials and state media, who project unwavering confidence in Iranian military capabilities. 

But just how capable is Iran’s conventional military, and do they really have the means to effectively resist a U.S. offensive? 

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WNU Editor: Iran currently fields a whopping 34 submarines. In a place like the Persian Gulf, they will be a formidible force.


Stephen Davenport said...

They wouldnt last 5 minutes

fazman said...

They will be a problem for a week, and then follow the rest of their navy as a hreat tourist attraction artificial reef

B.Poster said...

Iran is indeed a very formidable foe and should be treated as such. In concert with their allies, they are fully capable of winning a war against America. Even without allies they can and likely will inflict enormous damage on American military assets and likely the US mainland itself should a hot war materialize. This is especially going to be the case if the Iranian government perceives its survival is in danger. Given our weak security at entry points into the country, often incompetent intelligence services, along with a number of anti-American/pro-Iranian operatives operating within the country, devastating attacks on the American mainland would probably be a given. The casualty levels among Americans will likely far exceed any war we have ever fought in. It is NEVER a good idea to underestimate an enemy or potential enemy. War with Iran may well be necessary. Without a proper understanding of this enemy, its capabilities, and those of its allies good outcomes are not likely.