Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Picture Of The Day

Sub Maintenance Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Martin Collin attaches a main ballast tank vent cover on the submarine USS Oklahoma City as it arrives in Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan, June 22, 2021.  

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... U.S. Department of Defense Photo-Gallery.


Anonymous said...

Rust destroys a peacetime Navy. Must make Chinese naval planners thrilled to see so much rust on at sea US naval vessels. During the Cold War photos of steaming ships didn’t have obvious rust. What’s changed?

Anonymous said...

Anon the rust is normal, every ship has it
The rust wasn't seen in black and white photos due to its color
Rust is removed at dock, judging from the rust on the hull in the picture that sub wasn't out that long.. maybe weeks
Keep trying ;)

Anonymous said...

Never designed a sub, but why are there so many access panels? Each one has edges and the edges are where the rust starts. Also, each panel makes applying anechoic coating problematic. That is my Capt. Obvious moment.

"judging from the rust on the hull in the picture that sub wasn't out that long.. maybe weeks"

You could almost get a empirical formula out of it and a maintenance schedule to match the ones already extant.

Anonymous said...

Color photos got started in the 1940’s.
The reason USN ships are rust buckets today and not during the Cold War in Living Color is now the USN uses paints that are environmentally friendly and rust friendly.

Anonymous said...

Not all WW2 photos were color. The answer is it depends.

Of the photos that were taken, you have to look at the distance from the photographer to the ship, obviously.

" now the USN uses paints that are environmentally friendly and rust friendly."
Maybe some legs to the statement and maybe not. Ships have come out of SLEP, drydock and all with a complete anew coat of paint down to the bones, go on workups and 2/3rds of the way through deployment get painted all over again. This was during the very last days of the Cold War.

We could go round and round about environmental paint. Rather pointless. For one we have the internet. For another it does not even make for a good bar conversation. Name the paints.

Without a knowledge of chemistry, we'll have pretty much shit conversations.

Myself, I hate environmentalists. The way they wield the EPA is like how we have seen so many politicians wield the COVID "crisis".

I would suggest unless you want to know how some foul creature of the Beltway thinks , you dump the New York Times and Washington Post and spend your time better reading the Pilot Online.

The Pilot online IMO is every bit as important as SCMP.