Friday, June 18, 2021

Reuters Tally Says Global COVID-19 Death Toll Now Exceeds 4 Million


Reuters: Global COVID-19 death toll exceeds 4 million – Reuters tally 

(Reuters) - Coronavirus-related deaths worldwide passed a grim milestone of 4 million on Thursday, according to a Reuters tally, as many countries struggle to procure enough vaccines to inoculate their populations. 

While the number of new cases and deaths have abated in countries like the United States and Britain, several nations have vaccine shortages as the Delta variant becomes the dominant strain around the world. 

It took over a year for the COVID-19 death toll to hit 2 million, while the next 2 million were recorded in just 166 days, according to a Reuters analysis. 

The top five countries by total number of deaths – the United States, Brazil, India, Russia and Mexico – represent about 50% of all deaths in the world, while Peru, Hungary, Bosnia, the Czech Republic and Gibraltar have the highest death rates when adjusted for population. 

 Read more .... 

 WNU Editor: John Hopkin's tally is at 3,844,000 (see below).


Stephen Davenport said...

So What? I am sure there were 4 million births as well, they wont tell you that.

Anonymous said...

WNU, stop with these covid propaganda posts that you do every single day. Its just bizzare.