Friday, June 11, 2021

Top US General Says China And Russia Military Budgets Combined Exceed US Spending

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, left, and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, arrive for a Senate Armed Services budget hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 10, 2021.  

VOA: China, Russia Military Budgets Combined Exceed US Spending, Top General Says 

China and Russia's combined military spending exceeds that of the United States when adjusted for purchasing power, which has allowed China to shorten capability gaps in its quest to become the top superpower by midcentury, the top U.S. military officer said Thursday. 

"Combined, the Russian and Chinese budgets exceed our budgets if all the cards are put on the table," Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee. 

He called China's increased spending trend "disturbing." China and Russia are the U.S. military's two biggest competitors. 

Defense secretaries from Jim Mattis to Lloyd Austin have identified China as the "pacing challenge" for the U.S. military.  

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WNU Editor: Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley is using this article to make his case .... Combined China and Russian Defense Spending Exceeds U.S. Defense Budget (Jim Inhofe, RCD). According to Senator Inhofe, the Chinese defense budget is $604 billion when adjusted for purchasing power, and the Russian defense budget is about $200 billion after adjustments. 

As to what is my take on all of this. When you add in the budgets from NATO and America's allies that are not in NATO (i.e. Japan, Taiwan, Australia, etc.). Russia and China do not come close to that type of spending.


Anonymous said...

Notice how Milley pipes up now and is very vocal. I do not recall Milley being so forceful except in shanking Trump. During the riots and Lafayette Park Milley was a wilting wall flower. He is not fit to lead soldiers. Now Milley is in full bloom.

I disagree WNU. Yes NATO and the Pacific allies have to be added in. I would not add in New Zealand. The force is small and the PM is unreliable and unschooled. I would not count Germany's contribution. I would count France, Britain, Japan, South Korea and maybe Australia.

If you have Russia and China on one side, you have the high probability of Iran joining them. Possibly Pakistan and Turkey as well.

Depending on victories in the war, Russia could add 1/3rd to 1/2 the population of Ukraine. Th rest of the population would be neutral or a drag. Belarus could be added to Russia. Would it offset Poland?

While France has a tough military, it is already committed in Africa. Britain is hurting. they keep shrinking. Maybe they need ED medicine? The Scottish head is worthless. All the tiger has gone out of Boris and we are left with a mouse. Might as well stop talking about leadership. It is depressing.

Anonymous said...

Fail general wants more perks and a seat on board of Raytheon when he heads to the private sector.

Anonymous said...

Trump didn't need to be "shanked" 5:46.

He needed his diaper changed and someone to dress him.

Anonymous said...

Miley has become a politician. The Sec Def is a disaster. Between the two of them the US a military is powerful only because we possess a decent nuclear arsenal.

In a non-nuclear ground combat scenario in Europe or Asia the US will eventually prevail but it will make the Pacific Islands campaign of WW2 look bloodless. It’s not the equipment, that’s a wash, it’s the morale of the fighting force.

Right now we’re at the Kasserine Pass / Task Force Smith level and getting worse. Hope Biden’s handlers don’t let him say something stupid to Putin.

Anonymous said...

He should be like Trump and simply say to Putin: yes, master

Anonymous said...

5:49/6:43 I hope you keep repeating your inane falsehoods until you last day and in the Circles of Hell. You keep painting yourself. Your realize that?

Anonymous said...

The former president put his pants on backwards.


Anonymous said...

We have many many nukes
how many China and Russia
and who wins if used?
no one

Anonymous said...

Still believe that don't you. You haven't said anything original or clever in living memory. Come on give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Still learning yourself aren't you?