Thursday, July 22, 2021

China's First Stealth Fighter For Aircraft Carriers Has A Weight Problem

An FC-31 fighter jet. Reuters  

Insider: China's first stealth fighter for aircraft carriers is emerging, but a big problem still weighs it down 

* China's FC-31 stealth fighter was recently spotted on a mock aircraft carrier. 

* Little is known for sure about the FC-31, but that appearance is a sign China's navy may adopt it. 

* Like China's other advanced jets, the FC-31 has shortcomings that keep it from matching up with its US counterparts. 

China's J-20 fifth-generation stealth fighter is the most vaunted aircraft in the People's Liberation Army Air Force's (PLAAF) inventory. 

Its deployments near Taiwan and the Indian border in the past year were clear shows of strength, as was the appearance of 15 J-20s — 10% of the fleet, its largest public display yet — at the Chinese Communist Party's centenary celebrations in Beijing last month. 

While the J-20 is China's only stealth fighter in service, it's not the only one China has built. 

The FC-31, the J-20's lesser-known cousin, isn't in service with the PLAAF, but a model was recently spotted on a mock aircraft carrier, indicating that China's navy may adopt the fighter — most likely for use in the future air wings of its new carriers.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Chinese military have been playing catch-up for the past 20 years. 

The fact that they have problems should surprise no one. 

They are new to the game. 

But they are learning, and they adapting very quickly. 

They will solve their aircraft carrier fighter jet problem sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

Totalitarian states get things done, no doubt

But.. the answer by our leaders cannot be "let's become totalitarian too", as it seems now

I propose we have leaders with vision instead, someone Golden perhaps we can get behind? ;)

Make World Great Again?

I take the DJT Trump train before that Nazi pedo corrupt senile incompetent traitor Biden lol and he actually is all those things, not make believe like theft left did

Biden's own daughter accused him in her journal of inappropriately showering with her and that came after years of sex assault allegations and weird behaviour around and touching of kids.. just saying... not some "the Russians have a pee pee tape" nonsense. Actual stuff. Eyewitnesses. Sworn statements.

Same with the Biden pay to play scheme. Sworn witness comes forward, a veteran, has evidence, media buries it.

Same with Hunter Biden pedo and drug stuff. Witness. Laptop. Evidence. Media buries it, Twitter banned the new York post for breaking the story ahead of the election

It's a coup. They're in on it and until we revolt, they'll keep the lockdowns coming back to use then any sort of metadata on your phone to remove you for wrongthink into covid camps..

It's a takeover and they're putting all kinds of tyrannical and totalitarian measures into place that are antithetical to a constitutional democracy.

Jac said...

We are still focusing in technical data of the plane, so never of reliability which is the most important parameter. How Chinese's military hardware are reliable?

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt it will be anytime soon, the US by far has the most carrier experiance and they themselves still run the F18. Despite the UK carrier running helicopters and F35B's. To say China isn't just going to surpass American carriers but do it with stealth aircraft is a fantasy.