Thursday, July 8, 2021

Did The NSA Spied, Intercept, Unmasked, And Leaked Tucker Carlson's Private Communications When He Tried To Get An Interview With Russian President Putin?


Daily Mail: Tucker Carlson reveals he was trying to secure interview with Putin when the NSA 'spied on him and planned to leak his emails to paint him as a Russian operative' and says the agency's director must have 'personally approved my unmasking' 

* Tucker Carlson on June 28 told his three million viewers he was spied on by the NSA, with the intelligence agency reading his emails 

* On June 29, the NSA denied Carlson was deliberately targeted by the NSA - which is illegal - but did not deny he could have been inadvertently swept up 

* On Wednesday it emerged he was allegedly spied on while seeking an interview with Vladimir Putin 

* Seeking an interview with a world leader is not unusual: NBC's Keir Simmons sat for a lengthy interview with the Russian leader, which aired on June 14 

* Carlson confirmed on Wednesday evening that he had been trying to arrange an interview with the Russian leader, and demanded to know who 'unmasked' him 

* Carlson's communications could have been inadvertently recorded, but his identity by law should have been kept a secret: he asked why it wasn't 

* The Russian leader met Joe Biden in Geneva on June 16 

* U.S. government officials learned about Carlson's efforts to secure the Putin interview, Axios reported 

* The 52-year-old on Wednesday said that he was told at a funeral in Washington last week that his emails had been intercepted by the NSA 

Tucker Carlson said on Wednesday night that he was trying to arrange an interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin when he 'was spied on by the NSA'. 

The Fox News host said that his communications were intercepted by the National Security Agency, and his identity - which should by law have been kept a secret - was 'unmasked' by senior intelligence officials. 

Carlson claimed that the content of his emails and texts was then disseminated, in a bid to discredit him. 

'Late this spring I contacted a couple of people I thought could help get an interview with the Russian President Vladimir Putin,' Carlson told his viewers.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The reporter and network that eventually got that interview with Putin was NBC's Keir Simmons on June 14 at Geneva. 

Is Tucker Carlson's claims exaggerated? 

Not really. 

The U.S. intel community has a long history of intercepting and leaking selective communications. Edward Snowden, Michael Flynn, and all the anonymous intel sources that only certain members of the main stream media like to use is more than enough evidence to me that the American people have a problem with a politicized intel community, and that it will need to be addressed one day. 

More News On Tucker Carlson's Claims That The NSA Leaked His Private Communications  

Greenwald: NSA had 'legal obligation' to conceal Tucker Carlson's identity from intercepted communications -- FOX News  

Scoop: Tucker Carlson sought Putin interview at time of spying claim -- Axios 

Tucker Carlson Confirms That He Sought Vladimir Putin Interview, Claims NSA “Unmasked” Him And Leaked Emails To Journalists -- Deadline  

Tucker Carlson claims he was 'unmasked' by NSA for seeking Putin interview -- NYPost  

Was Tucker Carlson Spied On? -- National Review


Anonymous said...

It most likely happened and fits previous unmaskings done by an out of control, politicized Intel group and there need to be consequences if you don't want to slip further down the leftist fascist road. It's scary. They've targeted so many other political opponents before. And in the last few years, I have to say, the targets seem to be all on the right and the attackers come from the left. And who is surprised really? Comey and Clapper openly declared they were communists and Comey hinted he still is and there's many more prior and current examples. And the left cheers, as always as they have no moral bearing other than their cult like indoctrination of rules and language and vocabulary of "newspeak" that's only done to confuse and punish anyone who doesn't fully commit to the cult doctrine.
You must punish these people and punish them publicly and severely.

Anonymous said...

The fat diseased intelligence heads control this country and damn near every other one as well. I don't know HOW it can even be addressed at this point.

Anonymous said...

grow up. first learn the legal rights NSA has
then ask for any real names, proof that liar Tucker has...then stop badmouthing till you have evidence and something beyond a charge by Tucker with no evidence.

Anonymous said...

the NSA would have the right to monitor a call to Russia that Tucker made is might have made.

that would constitute a foreign call

Where is the name of the "whistle blower" and what proof do you or Tucker present? not one shred of proof.

RussInSoCal said...

"the NSA would have the right to monitor a call to Russia that Tucker made is might have made.

that would constitute a foreign call"

Nope. All electronic surveillance by the government in the United States is illegal, unless it falls under one of a small number of precise exceptions specifically carved out in the law.

A reporter or pundit contacting a source to try to schedule an interview with a foreign leader is not an exception.

The NSA also intended to leak the contents of the emails/texts with a US news channel. (IE: NBC) Who actually did interview Putin in June.

/I wonder why the NSA would leak Carlson's communications to a political ally?

Anonymous said...

Ooooh patch cord you tell them! With your vast Intel experience who second guess you.

Anonymous said...

Using the same "proof" you used for four years, fun isn't it.