Friday, July 2, 2021

Does Promoting Critical Race Theory Harm Military Unit Cohesion?

John Rossomando, Zero Hedge/The Epoch Times: Joint Chiefs Chairman Ignores Evidence Showing Critical Race Theory Harms Unit Cohesion 

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley dismissed concerns about neo-Marxist critical race theory. He feigned outrage at accusations the military was becoming “woke.” His cavalier response showed that at best he’s ignorant, and at worst he doesn’t care. 

Critical race theory stems from a school of thought among post-Russian Revolution Marxist intellectuals who were disturbed by the fact communist revolution didn’t sweep Europe as Marx predicted. Orthodox Marxists deny that critical race theory is Marxist because it derives from a revisionist strain of thought. The revisionists reimagined Marxist theory to focus on who has power in society and who doesn’t instead of the class struggle between the working class and the capitalists found in Karl Marx’s writings.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I mentioned in a previous post that the contrast between the U.S. and the internal military policies that it is pursuing in comparison to what Russia and China are focusing on right now is night and day. 

On social issues like critical race theory .... both Russia and China know too well on how destructive these teachings will be on the social cohesion of its military, and they avoid it like the plague. 

As John Rossomando eloquently puts it in the above post. Much of this thought comes from Soviet and Chinese Marxist teachings, and why at the time these measures had to be promoted in the West to bring the chaos that was necessary to help in the promotion and acceptance of Marxist/Communist solutions. 

The military leadership in both Russia and China have all read-up on Marx/Engels/Lenin/etc., and more importantly, they have a very good understanding on what is necessary to keep a military unified and focused. Promoting critical race theory is definitely not on their agenda. An issue that unfortunately for all of us in the West is not shared by this White House and the Pentagon's leadership.

Previous Posts  

Former President Trump Calls For Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley To Resign For Caving To The 'Woke Mob' (June 30, 2021)  

Greenwald: What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley's Righteous Race Sermon (June 27, 2021)  

Top U.S. General Defends The Teaching Of Critical Race Theory At West Point (June 24, 2021)


Anonymous said...

Pointing out Milley's foibles or insanity threatens the perception of Milley's character and judgment. By extension it threatens that of his boss. Therefore, Milley has to be protected at all costs.

3, 2, 1 ...

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear from real active-duty military; if and when and where they learned anything about CRT.

Because I don't think they exist.

fred said...

Know nothings working overtime hete

Anonymous said...

It is not like you would be exposed to CRT quite yet in the Israeli Army or going to school in Tel Aviv.

Anonymous said...

How is CRT and it’s proponents harming unit cohesion? Ask the Fort Carson infantry battalion whose commander has told its members white people are the problem and he no longer believes the UCMJ works.
Bet they’re really doing well.

Anonymous said...

It is not a poll, survey or statistical sample. What you have it anecdotal. Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes is on his way out. His outbursts are contrary to good order and discipline.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes want a liberal wingnut blog. He is an activist probably from college or whenever he was inculcated. That is infected.

You are a liberal or Chinese troll. Whichever one you are is a distinction without difference.

Anonymous said...

Battalion Commander Reportedly Tells Troops ‘White People Are Part of the Problem’

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes social media accounts are being scrubbed or taken down. He is in CYA mode. Put a fork in him.