Friday, July 2, 2021

Statues Of Queen Elizabeth II And Queen Victoria Are Being Torn Down In Canada


Daily Mail: Canadian anti-colonial protesters rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria and throw one of Captain Cook in a harbor amid anger at deaths of nearly 1,000 indigenous children found in mass graves 

* Growing anger in Canada after discovery of around 1,000 indigenous children as young as 3 in mass graves 

* The bronze sculptures of Britain's current monarch and her great-great grandmother in Winnipeg were hauled down, daubed with red paint and even appeared to have been strangled 

* From the 19th century until the 1970s, 150,000 First Nations children forced to convert to Christianity and speak English instead of their native languages. Some were abused and beaten to death in Catholic schools 

* Queen Elizabeth II remains monarch of Canada despite country becoming an independent state in 1867 

* Idle No More protesters claim Queen and Queen Victoria are faces of colonialism they blame for the deaths 

* A statue of Captain Cook was also ripped down and thrown into a harbor in Victoria, British Columbia 

* In the United States, monuments to figures now deemed racist or problematic by activists have been removed from sites across the country 

* As many as 40,000 Native American children may have died from care at government-run boarding schools around the US, a researcher has claimed, prompting a federal investigation 

Statues of Britain's Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II and explorer Captain James Cook have been toppled and desecrated by a violent mob during protests across Canada on its national day over the discovery of mass graves of indigenous schoolchildren. 

In scenes reminiscent of the BLM protests where a 'hit list' of 'racist' statues was drawn up for destruction after the murder of George Floyd, the bronze sculptures of Britain's current monarch and her great-great grandmother in Winnipeg were hauled down, daubed with red paint and even appeared to have been strangled with Mohawk flags.  

Read more .....  

WNU Editor: About a decade ago a comprehensive report was released on the history of Canada's Indigenous residential school system. The report condemned the system, the government under Conservative Prime Minister Harper formally apologized (link here), and enormous compensations were paid out to the survivors and families. I also recall reading in the report that from the time these schools opened in the late 1800s to the time that they were closed in the 1970s 4,400 children passed away (the above Daily Mail says 6.000). That report is unfortunately currently unavailable (link here).

This large number of deaths is shocking. But in an era before penicillin and antibiotics and where diseases and epidemics were rampant (polio, TB, Spanish flu, etc.), most, if not all of these children who passed away died from disease and accidents. And most, if not all of them, were buried in unmarked graves. 

So why the uproar now? 

And why is the Royal family being targeted when they had nothing to do with Canada's residential school system? While Prime Minister Trudeau's Liberal political party .... the political party that has dominated Canadian politics for much of its history and is also the political party that managed Canada's residential school system the longest ... is given a pass? 

Welcome to Canadian politics and how the media decides what news to cover and promote. Who to protect. And who to vilify. 

In the meantime scores of churches have been firebombed (I have lost count on how many) in a number of locations throughout Canada in the past two weeks with little if any media coverage .... Canadian Police Investigate Catholic Churches' Burning Down on Indigenous Land (WSJ). 

More News On Statues Of Queen Elizabeth II And Queen Victoria Being Torn Down In Canada

'We were children': Manitobans react to toppling, beheading of Queen Victoria statue at legislature -- CBC  

2 statues of queens toppled at Manitoba Legislature -- CBC  

Boris slams Canadian anti-colonial protestors who raged 'tear this b**** down' as they toppled statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria and threw one of Captain Cook in a harbour amid anger at deaths of nearly 1,000 indigenous children found in mass graves -- Daily Mail  

Statue of Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II toppled amid scandal about deaths of Indigenous children -- The Hill  

Statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II torn down in Canada -- BBC


Anonymous said...

"This large number of deaths is shocking. But in an era before penicillin and antibiotics and where diseases and epidemics were rampant (polio, TB, Spanish flu, etc.), most, if not all of these children who passed away died from disease and accidents."

I made that point and some liberal snowflake went bananas.

"About a decade ago a comprehensive report was released on the history of Canada's Indigenous residential school system. The report condemned the system, the government under Conservative Prime Minister Harper formally apologized (link here), and enormous compensations were paid out to the survivors and families."

That is actually quick work for a government. The reparations to the Japanese Americans was not any quicker.

Is a government responsible for if a kid dies from a communicable disease? Not necessarily. Still paying money for those deaths is a smart move.

Many of those complaining do not care about those dead students. it is merely a means to power. It is akin to the Republicans "waving the bloody flag" after 1865. Except the Republicans actually had valid points.

If those kids had been at home would they have survived? Not necessarily, We could count excess deaths from being in school. I would expect school to be more dangerous due to population density and students being outside their home environment.

Mass graves are not disrespectful. It depends. If there is an epidemic and there are large numbers of dead, it is what happens the world over.

Unknown said...

Help the central American people Canada

Unknown said...

Or go to hell soon

Unknown said...

Usa is full of shit

Unknown said...

Fake freedom

Unknown said...

Hell with Mexico

Adam said...

Agreed. These self loathing white progressives boggle my mind. They are tearing our countries apart.

Adam said...

I find this to be very sad and highly misguided. I'm sorry to hear Canada has these same problems the US is having. Our world seems to be going mad and it really is hurting our great nations.

fazman said...

So the mental illness has spread

Anonymous said...

Well, Canada is as fucked up as the US.

Anonymous said...

It's been reported that these mass graves are not mass graves but basically they did ground penetrating radar, misinterpreted the data for some reason(guess why -hint attack on the west) and when visiting the sites and doing actual digging they were anything from animals to land fills..

So my guess is this is yet another attack by someone (hint: China) using fake narratives throug paid for media channels(read: corrupt traitors) to target western institutions


We are entering a pre- kinetic war phase with China. Or at least the likelihood increases.

During such intense times of conflict, where trade war and cyber war is going on, there's also cultural war going on.

Remember when the BBC broke the Chinese concentration camps story through their drone fly over and then confronted the Chinese ambassador on TV about it?

The Chinese took offence to this.

Their answer:
They want to destroy everything the west stands for, like enlightenment, ending slavery, emancipation of women, democracy etc and want to pervert it and make you believe your country or your rights aren't worth dying or even fighting for.

That bit doesn't scare me, it's standard warfare.

What worries me is that our own Intel groups don't do anything about it and go along with it.

Given the fact that Chinese"spies", operatives and field agents outnumber ours in some fields between 10:1 and 50:1, I wouldn't be surprised if key personnel, and not a small number but in the hundreds in the west have been compromised and are working towards China's end goal

It's hard to explain the Chinese spy and sex ring connection to hunter Biden otherwise and how our media tried to keep it under control. It reeks of treason. Because it is.

LoneWolf Media said...

WNU editor: See we all knew the that many children died in the residential school system. The problem is: A lot were abused / raped / and murdered. The anger is actually directed at the Catholic Church for the Pope not apologizing. Many are calling for the current living priests and nuns who are still alive to be hauled in front of a court. The official number is at 4100 but there is wide belief it may be even higher. We will know more when every residential school ground has had ground penetrating radar used. I expect the deaths to be around 6000-7000. While some naturally died from diseases among other things - there was a alot of racism back then many died at the churches hands.

Anonymous said...


"This large number of deaths is shocking. But in an era before penicillin and antibiotics and where diseases and epidemics were rampant (polio, TB, Spanish flu, etc.), most, if not all of these children who passed away died from disease and accidents."

Seems like you are flipping the percentages using words so that the majority died at the hands of sex crazed priest and not of disease. You are alleging this based on no evidence. Axe to grind much?

I've read the book "Killers of the Flower Moon". It is about a big scandal. The federal government got involved. Seems as though(it was) several people colluded to murder American Indians for their mineral rights (oil). I have to reread the book, because I do not remember anything about Indians going to boarding school and being murdered. What did happen is that they went off to boarding school, came home to inherit great wealth and some guy organized 7 or so guys to murder them (when they were adults). One guy murdered his Indian wife. That murdered should have been put on a rack an tortured for a decade before being rubbed out.

How does a guy marry a woman, have conjugal relations, have 3 children together and then decide to listen to an uncle and his get rich quick scheme? Makes no sense. The guy was already rich. He was married to a millionaire.

You would think that a book that is supposed to make America look bad would have mentioned murder in boarding schools. But it didn't.

Also teachers have been having sex with kids forever. It is not just priests. I remember an engineer, who was in middle school or high school around 1940. Teacher had sex with him several times if not for months. As soon as he had an orgasm and could potentially impregnate her, he was done. She went down the line. She practiced safe sex.

Anonymous said...

I have better things to do, but I would make the boorish children work off their behavior with manual labor.