Friday, July 23, 2021

French Co-Owner Of Chinese Nuclear Plant Wants It To Be Shut Down

A containment building at Taishan nuclear power plant. Photo: FactWire. 

CNN: Problems at China nuclear power plant are serious enough to warrant shutdown, French co-owner warns 

(CNN)The French power company that co-owns a nuclear plant in China would shut it down if it could, due to damage to the fuel rods, a spokesperson said -- but the decision is ultimately up to the plant's Chinese operator. 

The spokesperson for Electricite de France (EDF) said on Thursday that while it was "not an emergency situation" at the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, located in China's southern Guangdong province, it was a "serious situation that is evolving." 

If the reactor was in France, the company would have shut it down already due to "the procedures and practices in terms of operating nuclear power plants in France," the spokesperson said.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: "France Would Have Shut It Down": Co-Owner On Faulty Nuclear Plant In China -- NDTV/AFP  

Update #2: EDF suggests China should halt nuclear reactor after problems -- Reuters  

WNU Editor: The Chinese power grid is already stressed. They are not going to shut down this plant.


RussInSoCal said...

Countdown to the next Chinese caused global ecological disaster. Add this coming meltdown to the massive quantities toxins and pollutants it spews into the oceans and atmosphere already. Raping the waters to feed it's bloated population. Throw a global pandemic in there too. This country is a blight on Planet Earth.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Russ, but you are way, way off base. We do not have to worry about China. People such as Milley are going to be the death of us first.

U.S. Military Orders Drone Strikes to Destroy American Equipment in Afghanistan

If General Milley had not been a member of the Resistance and obstructing the orders of the Commander in Chief he might have had that equipment out. He might have started withdrawing the equipment earlier, made planes earlier, talked to to Military Airlift Command earlier and so forth. But that guy (Is it correct to call him a guy?) dragged his feet hoping for a favorable out come on election day.

Do not be surprised if Pakistan is designated as a state sponsor of terror if the Taliban and its allies succeed in taking over Afghanistan.

We have Pakistan working against us, Milley knew it and he never had a plan to defeat Pakistan. TBF Milley does not make policy about what nation to war against. But he does craft policy proposals and give advice. What advice did Milley give Trump, Bite Me or others? Point is Milley never had a plan to win and yet he obstructed Trump's plan to leave.

Further General Wets his Pants was upset Trump went to Saint John's Church, which is rich. Today the big story is Jim Acosta and other beta boys are upset there was a a shooting on 14th street which is a mile from the White House.


Nest camera captures sound from 14th St. shooting in Northwest DC

Jim Acosta is upset and took a pause from his 1/6 propaganda, because it happened in his neighborhood. He did not give a damn, when the murder rate is 3X in Chicago. It is also up 3X in my metro. But again Jim Acosta and the rest of the media apes did not care until it happened in their backyard.

It is hard to be scared of China, when the American Press and political establishment are screwing us in the ass.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan’s Security Establishment Is Cheering The Taliban’s Recent Military Gains In Afghanistan. Will They Come to Regret It?

Anonymous said...

316 addendum

Not only did we lose the equipment when we left it behind, but we are paying millions with each missile strike to destroy it.

Can anyone see Milley as an Economics Czar boosting productivity by having people dig holes and others to fill them?

fred said...

Good example of nutty commenting

Anonymous said...

Good old Fred carrying water for the party, the all important party. It is "not not not unreasonable" to consider if Fred would have a hollow shell of an identity if party affiliation was not part of it.

See below.

Do not be surprised if Pakistan is designated as a state sponsor of terror if the Taliban and its allies succeed in taking over Afghanistan.

Q Is WNU correct that Pakistan will probably be designated a state sponsor of terror?

Fred will not answer in a succinct straight forward way, if he is true to form.

Q If Pakistan is so designated, will it be because of what they have done recently or for what they have done for the last 2 decades?

Q If it is the latter case, then how did the Pentagon, White House, CIA and Congress expect the US to prevail?

You can say that all were naive, Okay. I'll accept that. What I do not accept is that After the Battle for Swat and after the the 2009/2010 surge, why the Pentagon, White House, CIA and Congress did not confront Pakistan hard or why they did not consider withdrawing then.

In answer to the Latter Obama did want to withdraw. There was opposition to it. So Obama lied. He declared major combat operations over and kept troops in country. Obama did not want to spend one iota of political capital.

Politicians are said to be loathe to spend political capital, because once spent it is gone. Except that is not always true. If you engage in a successful venture you get some, all or even more political capital back. Sometimes it takes time to get it back Political capitol is like money. It is so much like money that we call it capital and merely tack on an adjective of political.

Point is Obama did want to spend political capital. He would rather save or ensure his career than save 20 to 100 men per year.

Obama did not have to spend political capital or put a refund on the political capital at risk, if he merely told the truth. all he had to do is point a finger at Pakistan and call a spade a spade.

I am positive that 30% to 70% of the establishment warned him not to do just that. (1) Reason being loss of Pakistan as a 1/2 ass partner on the war of terror. Was Pakistan even that much of a partner? (2) Pakistan closing the MSR and ASR. (3) Pakistan upping the ante and opening the flood gates of aid to the Taliban. (4) Pakistan allying with China. They are anyway. They are part of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

So Obama did not withdraw and did not call, Pakistan out. He lied. His 3rd way was a status quo of limping along like gimp. There are other 3rd ways such as another surge but bigger and more sustained, but the one chosen by Obama was to put the war on the back burner on simmer, so he could concentrate on the battles back home like spying on Americans and winning re-election.

A former intel guy who brags about his contacts should have some idea about a winning strategy. Funny, but we never hear of it.

The rep0ly I expect is straight out of Think Progress.

Anonymous said...

I think both trump and Biden are crooked and in on this tyranny.

It's not about elections, never was.
It's making you think there are actual elections.

The outcome is that you fight among each other, demonic pedophile left said this, racist right said that and in the end nothing gets done and they absorb trillions of our money using lockdowns based on shady science and deplatform and censor everyone pointing it out and you then defend your guy instead of listening what some people here have to say.
In the last 30 yards 3 tens of trillions went always from west to east and from the lower and upper middle class to the super wealthy. In the 1950-1980s you needed 1 job to support your family and 3 kids, have at least one car ..
Today you need on average two jobs for a shitty apartment, the roads are fcked, there are endless questionable wars, rampant censorship, lockdowns just absolute blatant tyranny and terror in your streets, defended and lied about by the complicit media while we both are being robbed blind, of our money, our assets (see black rock), the stock market is rigged, currencies around the world are about to collapse, and they're thinking of doing another lockdown on the science that the inventor shouted from the rooftop not to do it this way(dr.mullis who won a Nobel prize in medicine and explicitly said not to use PCR testing this way for corona viruses)...

Please ffs stop fighting and think for one moment

fred said...

Darwin will win out and now we begin to see anti backers and gop gov pleading for folks to take vaccines
We could be selfish and think let them suffer if they refuse vaccines but till herd immunity virus will keep mutating

Anonymous said...

So if we reach herd immunity the virus will stop mutating.

You are a genius!

For how long will it stop mutating? 20 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, 2 aeons?

You are simply amazing. I wish I had a copy of your connectome.

Anonymous said...

Trump said he would withdraw
He did not

Deep State Diplomat Lied To Trump About Syria On Behalf Of Military-Industrial Complex'

Could the withdrawal slowdown be to US officials not obeying US law?

Senior U.S. Diplomat and special envoy for Syria James Jeffrey ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

"A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. "

"I am positive that 30% to 70% of the establishment warned him not to do just that. (1) Reason being loss of Pakistan as a 1/2 ass partner on the war of terror. Was Pakistan even that much of a partner?"

A real English teacher would discredit a paragraph by discrediting one or more of the supporting sentences of the opening sentence. Somehow Mr. Folded Paper never tries to discredit a supporting sentence. Maybe because they are so specific that most readers with a 9th grade education know the supporting sentence are true by inspection.

So what did Folded Paper do? It moved on with a "nothing to see here".

Typical of a follower unable to think for themselves.