Friday, July 23, 2021

U.S., China, And Russia Are Now Playing The Great Game In Africa

A US soldier in Somalia. Tech. Sgt. Christopher Ruano/ AP  

Insider: US special operators and their allies say taking on Russia and China in Africa requires 'strange bedfellows' 

* Renewed competition with Russia and China means Africa is growing as an arena for geopolitical maneuvering. 

* The US commandos who fought extremist groups in Africa for 20 years now have to counter Chinese and Russian influence there as well. 

As competition between the US and China and Russia ramps up, Africa is once more becoming a geopolitical battlefield. US special-operations forces have long had a presence in Africa. 

Over the last 20 years, American commandos have focused on fighting terrorism, mainly in North and East Africa. 

Now, in addition to fighting violent extremist groups, they have to counter Chinese and Russian overtures in a region where great powers are increasingly competing for access, influence, and resources.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Africa is where the next geopolitical conflicts are going to occur.


Anonymous said...

IMHO the title is wrong. It should read "the Competition Hots Up".

There has been great power competition there since the 60s (at least).

What is Peoples' Friendship University of Russia? It was founded in 1960. It is also called

The Lumumba University in Moscow: higher education for a Soviet–Third World alliance, 1960–91

"Founded in Moscow in 1960 for students from Third World countries, the Peoples' Friendship University 'Patrice Lumumba' was the most important venture in international higher education during the Cold War and a flagship of Soviet internationalism."

The competition went colder when the USSR fell due to lack of money or whenever a clueless Democrat was elected President , who were advised by equally clueless people like Blinken.

Some of the African leaders of the 60s were in Moscow during the 50s. They were the lucky ones. A lot never made it out of Moscow.

China has been in Africa since the 60s. They built rail lines during that period. Infrastructure projects in Africa are not a new thing by them. The terms of recent contract might be new now.

Anonymous said...

You're right 3:40 and the thread goes way way back.

Anonymous said...

And just so you know, if you don't defend tyranny in the middle east or Africa, don't expect them to come to your help when it's Europe's time, or America's.
Nukes are still the great equalizer, but I wouldn't be surprised if another quantum leap comes soon. Maybe with alien technology who knows, maybe that's what the lockdowns are about ;)
Of course they're not. The lockdowns are about taking our rights, pitting us against each other, consolidating power and absolutely rule for decades or longer to come

Most likely this has been gamed out, like in operation lock step and operation dark winter, for 20 years since 9/11

They had all these scenarios of a viral outbreak, in that scenario from China after diplomats were visiting they came down with a respiratory virus(parallels?) And in those games for 20 years they told officials, heads of states, medical leaders etc to lock everything down otherwise everyone would die.
Makes sense. If you have a Steven king like outbreak (predictive programming) then you lock down, right?

Well, here's the problem
Quite a few problems actually

What happens when you have such war games and publish them and give public hearings on them and talk about your strategy of locking down and using the media to whip people into panick and cheer on the hospitals(that's all in operation lockstep), then not only can your game plan be abused but it likely will


Anonymous said...

Some of the problems

1. Covid19 has never been isolated in situ(in tissue, cells or culture), but only in silico (in computative models), .. that's highly speculative and many of the gene pairs were guessed

2. The PCR test was then not only used for detecting these theoretical viral fragments(which have a huge overlap with the previous outbreak in early 2003 SARS), which is to be expected of course as they are from the same family class of Corona viruses, but the additional problem this causes is that if you run PCR tests at too high cycles it causes immense numbers of false positives

3. The president of Tanzania pointed this out when he sent in goat, coca cola and a melon to sample for Covid-19. It all came back positive. He died shortly after.

4. But even previously, the inventor of the PCR test, nobel prize winner in medicine, earned for exactly that reason not to use PCR tests this way as they are relatively blunt tools that amplify a signal but if you amplify too much, not only do you get a lot of noise that leads to frequent, almost guaranteed misinterpretation, but it finds fragments of something, not entire objects, not viruses... just fragments, which they share with other viruses and might be already years old.

We live in a stew of viruses, this non scientific lockdown must end. Politicians, business leaders and so called health officials must answer a lot of questions from actual scientists.

We are being robbed.
Our rights are being taken.

Whoever pushes this IS your enemy.
Read up, inform yourself. It's your duty.

Anonymous said...

5. Google and Facebook, not just the NIH, and several other multi national corporations have funded gain of function research. It's not just in Wuhan. It's not just happening in China either. In the US in several facilities, in Europe. There's a total of 200 estimated laboratories around the world working on this stuff. It's highly controversial, to work on gain of function, as you create organisms that gain a function that doesn't exist in nature (yet).. the proponents of gain of function say "If we don't do it, they'll do it" (they being not just the military but private organisations like Google and Facebook that have so much research in life sciences they'r basically bank rolling everything.. it's not just smart cars and IoT and smart cities.. nope..Google has a side arm for life extension even.. they work with darpa on drugs you swallow that make you an antenna... it uses the acid in your stomach for electrolysis..

They're deep in it

And so is Fauci

And if you're on the left, realise this.
Google and Facebook banned posts on this for a year now but it's slowly coming out... and it'll be expensive.... very very expensive..

But they colluded with China, as they always do, it's all just a show for us, it's the oligarchs and us

They create the weapon and leaked it

Our money and our rights get taken

But people wake up to it

Maybe start by trying to find Dr. Mullis interview on Fauci. How he warned the world of Fauci.

Dr. Mullis too died conveniently a year ahead of the outbreak. He would have vehemently protested to use the PCR test this way.

I have used the test myself many times in the lab and can attest to its very well documented tendency to produce false positives at too high cycles. Every geneticist, every biologist knows this...

Ask them about it. Tell them how craaaaazy high the CDC and NIH demand the cycles to be set against standard protocols. Up to 10 cycles higher than standard. Each cycle is exponential. They're amplifying a viral fragment that's shared with dozens other previous viruses that are still around... and they go 2^10 HIGHER than recommended, producing guaranteed false positives. On purpose.
I have several degrees in this field.
It's a scam.
My guess is to usher in the great reset