Sunday, July 4, 2021

Is The U.S. Prepared For An EMP War?

Jeff Thompson, The Organic Prepper: Why Isn’t the US Preparing for EMP War Like the Rest of the World?  

You’re likely already familiar with the 2009 EMP Commission Report. It was this report that raised the issue of EMP-preparedness for the American public. It’s notorious stating that just one year after an EMP attack, 90% of the American population would be dead, caused alarm throughout multiple sectors of society. 

Books began to be written on the subject. Sales of Tedd Koppel’s Lights Out, Forstchen’s One Second After, and Crawford’s Lights Out quickly reached blockbuster levels. And while I believe that these books (and that report) brought the issue of an electromagnetic pulse to light for Americans, I don’t believe it showed Americans just how real of a threat it is. To truly understand just how very real of a risk this is, I believe all we have to do is look at the battle plans of some of the nations that hate America most.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Back in the former Soviet Union we were all taught on how to survive a SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) situation. This included an EMP or nuclear attack, and the focus was always on being prepared. 

On reflection .... we were all taught on how to be preppers. 

I have carried that way of thinking to my new life in Canada, and I have even gone the extra mile because of the pandemic. 

Besides my home I have another place to run to in the event of a major disaster or EMP attack. At both places I have enough food, provisions, and water to take care of my family for a year and maybe longer. I have enough wood to feed my fireplace to keep all of us warm in winter. Ditto with propane for cooking and a simple but portable solar power system that will feed me with enough electricity to keep some the basics running. 

I have enough ammo for my shotgun to defeat a zombie army (or desperate strangers), and I just recently purchased a crossbow. An emp pulse may take-out the electronics for my modern car, but my second car is a 1990 GM Caprice that I have maintained and is always topped up with gas (yeah .... it looks like a big boat with four wheels when it is on the highway). 

Of course .... none of my neighbors/friends/associates are as prepared as I am. and I suspect that aside from the military, no one in the government is prepared either. Which is shocking because the Canadian province of Quebec did experience 20 years ago an event that knocked out its power grid for a good period of time in the middle of winter. I should know because I was there experiencing it first hand  (January 1998 North American ice storm). Everyone survived, but times were tough. But I am happy to say that because of our preparations, the impact on us was minimal. 

As for my family/friends/and associates back home in Russia. LOL. Their preps makes mine look pathetic. 

But it is not an EMP attack that I am worried about. I am more worried about a natural solar event knocking out our grid. It happened before (The Carrington Event), and it will happen again.


Anonymous said...

There was news of Obama having federal agencies surveil and list preppers. It was quite contentious. Then the government started telling people to be preppers due to blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, earthquakes and other calamities.

Does any one doubt with Obama 3.0 they are making lists of people again? Put another way would Obama weaponise the federal bureaucracy?

Fun fact: The US will go to other countries and get people who are foreign nationals. They did so to people of Italian and German ethnicities in Central America during WW2. The Japanese were not the only ones. Canada is closer than most of South American and Justin is a squish. Also passports mean squat. I have a family member who thought that since they became an American citizen that the motherland could not get them. Old man said do not count on it. So much for paper.

Anonymous said...

In the US, many Republicans are preppers, as they have very little faith in government, especially now with that illegitimate pedophile in the office. The left however barely knows anything about prepping or living off the land. I think an EMP attack would make leftist SJWs quickly realise that their ways were misguided and rendered them infantile in comparison to Republicans. For me personally, I say bring it.. I cannot wait for a day without leftist mobs, Antifa and BLM hate inc.

Stephen Davenport said...

Short answer we are not, we cannot even handle a flu strain nor major hurricane much less an EMP attack.

Unknown said...

Death is Glory

Unknown said...

Believe me

Unknown said...

Truth and death walk hand 2 hand

Unknown said...

Darth Vader is 4 really truest maybe force B with U

Unknown said...

Look at the butterfly 🦋

Unknown said...

In other words there's no death but sin u fools sin kills

Unknown said...

We r all eternal u fools

Unknown said...

Souls are static

Anonymous said...

Lol your shitty caprice will still be undrivable after emp

Dave Goldstein said...

Nuclear is number 1, emp is 2, chem,bio is number 3. Why are we not at war with China?
We know who did it and where it came from, why is the mystery.