Sunday, July 18, 2021

Only 6 Of 58 Top Positions In The Pentagon Have Been filled

Politico: Top Pentagon weapons office faces vacancies as the military rushes to focus on China  

The Biden administration has been slow to announce nominees for the 58 Senate-confirmed positions at the Pentagon. 

The Pentagon is facing a leadership vacuum in the office tasked with buying and modernizing its weapons and developing new technologies, even as the Biden administration pushes through its first budget and launches sweeping reviews on strategy and nuclear policy. 

Stacy Cummings, who has been performing the duties of undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, is leaving the Pentagon in the coming weeks, a Pentagon spokesperson told POLITICO. Two people familiar with the situation say Cummings is taking a position within NATO. 

“Succession plans are in place to ensure continuity of operations and support of the Secretary’s priorities," Pentagon spokesperson Jessica Maxwell said in a statement. 

"We will be announcing the transition plan in the coming weeks.” Cummings' departure comes after the Biden administration’s pick to take the job, Michael Brown, withdrew himself from consideration on Tuesday due to an ongoing inspector general investigation into hiring practices at his current role as head of the DoD’s Defense Innovation Unit.  

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WNU Editor: They will be filled soon.


Anonymous said...

Respectfully, the point is not that they will be filled soon. The point is the media when there is a Republican president begins a drumbeat of "Oh my God the positions have not been filled by such and such a date" and all the while the Senate make sit like pulling hen's teeth to fill the positions.

The US is expected to have 1.3 to 1.7 million illegal immigrants, because the DNC operatives in the White House have put out a welcome mat and then deny that they have.

The US military has expanded its bag of tricks form Meals on Wheels to carting illegals all around the US. They also provide berthing.

General Austin, the Stout, was an inspired pick to lead the US military into defeat.

Anonymous said...

That is if only 6 Of 58 top positions in the Pentagon Have Been filled in Trumps administration, the headlines were or would have been different. They would have been alarmist.

White House is looking for new college grads with degrees in Hotel and Restaurant Management, since the Pentagon's new mission is not fighting wars against aggressors, but taking care of illegals.

Jac said...

The Sleeping Joe administration has not finished its nap. May be the problem will be fixed next best.

B.Poster said...

Perhaps the positions don't need to be filled. When an organization is failing oftentimes one of the first things they do is eliminate managerial positions. This has the advantage of eliminating much of the "fat" and streamlines the decision making process enabling the organization to be able to respond more quickly to threats and opportunities.

This strategy has been used successfully by private sector entities who are failing. Perhaps the US Federal government as well many state and local governments should look into this approach.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm sorry but even under trump if that many positions were empty while China attacks us with a bio weapon..I don't know..

Seems the USA on purpose embraces thucydides trap theory and works full steam towards being the beta team when it happens. And they seem to think by being unable to fight that the Chinese will peacefully take over LOL

Look at China's history. In CCP's 100 year existence they and CNN just celebrated, they've murdered 100 million(!) people. That's 5 times WW2..

God help us all. The US is complete in disarray, governed by corrupt traitors and the MSM keeps the masses uninformed .

When it ends, and it will end, the Miley general or whatever that fat Marxist 's traitor's name is will be hung, hopefully

Anonymous said...

Only two more weeks 'til Trump is president again! For real this time!


Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm sorry but even under trump if that many positions were empty while China attacks us with a bio weapon.

Perhaps because Democrats made it a strategy to make an Trump nominee DOA?

In which case sitting Democrats are to blame.

Anonymous said...

I have seen examples over time that leave me with the opinion that Politico is one of the lead news organization that informs the public with what the CIA/NSA want you to think is true. So I see a story like this and I am left wondering what their end game is and I do not know.

I am curious, is maybe, they just can't find enough staff officers who buy in to whitey bad and a dude with a penis is a girl. I hope that is true.


Anonymous said...
