Summit News: Poll: Majority Do Not Believe Biden Mentally Capable Of Executing Presidential Duties
Even a third of Democrats don’t believe sleepy Joe is actually in charge of anything
A survey conducted by the Convention of States Action in partnership with The Trafalgar Group has found that an overall majority of Americans do not believe that Joe Biden is executing the duties of his office or running policy, and that “others” are doing it in his place.
The poll found that 56.5% of American voters do not believe Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, with only 36.4% saying they believe he is directing all policy and agenda.
Even close to one third of Democrats (31.7%) said they don’t think Biden is in charge of anything.
A whopping 83.6% of Republicans are adamant that Biden isn’t running the show, with 58.4% of Independent voters in agreement.
Read more ....
Update: Poll reveals that a solid majority of Americans, including almost a third of Democrats, believe Biden isn't calling the shots in his own presidency (American Thinker).
WNU Editor: And what is even more eye-opening in this poll is that it is skewed in favor of the Democrats. The poll is here (link here).
It’s actually quite obvious to most people with the exception of people like Fred with limited brain functions…if someone told Fred that Biden did a triple flip and landed on his feet, Fred would cut and paste articles to prove it happened hahaha
now now sweetheart. The poll cited at this cite is a right wing, poll hardly known. in fact here is a more reputable poll, known world-wide and respected:
Biden approval polling tracker - Reuters Graphics
[Search domain]
May 6, 2021. More than half of American adults approve of President Joe Biden after three months on the job, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. The latest poll, released on May 5, showed that 55% like his performance in office, which is about the same as it has been every week since Biden took office in Janua
and so, name calling brat, the poll here, like you, is stupid and fully full of shit
Dream on sweetheart liar. Why do you lie constantly? The only one full of it is you, as you have proven over the years.
You and Biden have so much in common, especially no grasp of reality whatever.
Look, I don't care if Biden is awake or not
What I do care about is
1) The stolen election
2) What do we do with the people who did it
3) How do we prevent it from happening again
4) How do we address the Marxist takeover of the military and many institutions?
5) What do we do about the country (China) that is attacking us?
6) What do we do about the people who push unsafe drugs on an unwilling and uninformed population? We have the Nurnberg codes and can hang them until death, BUT
7) We must urgently address the out of control, criminally corrupt media that engages in all of this
We urgently need armed militias in every country opposing this medical tyranny.
Please inform yourselves about the Nurnberg codes and what's happening
Dr. Mullis (inventor of the much used PCR test) WARNED the world before he died of Fauci and misusing his tests this way
The president of Tanzania who exposed the PCR test fraud (they use too high cycles, finding fragments of the corona class virus - a virus that's been with us for milenia - everywhere and then attribute it to Covid19)
It's medical fraud
It's medical tyranny
And we need to make an example of these people
Who do they think they are? Death is too good for them.
We need to urgently PUBLICLY discuss what we do with people like this, then TRIAL THEM AND likely hang them for all to see, so this tyranny ends and we can live freely of these deep state ghouls again
They have NO RIGHT to indoctrinate your children, to medicate your children.
My prediction was correct
I didn’t call you any names?? Is it the capital F in Fred that offended you?
The United States is living through a coup
Every country on Earth is under attack by a corporate criminal syndicate that's similar in its actions and composition to the CCP, but it's not just the CCP.. the CCP is merging with the Western corrupt oligarchy, it's the endgame of nation states and the Democrats in the US have agreed to the merger.. that's why you suddenly indoctrinate that white people are bad.. the Chinese want you to talk about slavery 400 years back that you died for to end as if white people were bad, WHILE THEY have concentration camps right now and sweat shops and forced labour and forced sterilization programs and the Democrats, the left corporate media, big tech and big industry including Nike, Apple are all in on it, profiterring of slave labour prices, making hundreds of billions in profit, buying up Washington and your country.. jesus don't you see what's happening?
It's the end of democracy.. IN YOUR FACE.. they pushed out poll watchers, denied them access, used unconstitutional mail in ballots with no oversight in the millions, pushed terror in your streets and then acted like because the courts didn't do nothing, everything is a ok
Listen, this is EXACTLY how Nazis rose to power
Through media that didn't do its job and vilified another group (this time its Republicans and Christians, last time it was the Jews but it's the same attack pattern, ffs wake up!)
THey are taking over and if you think "they are my team" holy fuck .. they are murderers.. they are not on your team.. they bailed out terrorists who killed cops and burned entire city blocks.. they thratened your courts.. WAKE UP!!! this is not a drill, your country is falling! Your checks and balances are failing, your media is corrupt, you are being pitted against another based on a fake pandemic.. and it will get worse until you kill those people (legally/execute them/hang them) or put them into labour camps for the rest of their lives for terrorizing an entire nation (and it happens in my country too.. this is a global takeover years in planning!)
You are being enslaved and you think your team is winning? Omg... please
I have posted Reuters polling.
that poll agrees with every respected poll. Now show me where they are wrong and you and Trump are right!
ps I do not give a hoot for caps or lower case for my name. I do however care for data, facts, evidence.
try using those sometimes rather than childish name calling in lieu of mature commentary
While he remains more popular than Donald Trump ever was, Reuters/Ipsos polling shows cracks forming in President Joe Biden’s otherwise robust job approval numbers as his administration wrestles with Congress to make good on campaign promises and satisfy a country that has been exhausted by the pandemic.
The latest national opinion poll, conducted June 30-July 1, found that 51% of American adults approved of Biden, while 42% disapproved and 7% said they were not sure. Biden’s approval numbers are down 2 points from last week and 4 points from two weeks ago.
Recent Reuters/Ipsos polling also shows that the economy has replaced the coronavirus as the nation’s top concern. And while two-thirds of Americans approve of Biden’s response to the coronavirus, they are less impressed with his handling of other issues. During the past few months, in fact, a growing number of adults have expressed disapproval of Biden’s leadership on the economy, gun violence, taxation and corruption.
Previous presidents also have seen their popularity drop in their first year. In Biden’s case, experts say the president may be facing an impatient public that is anxious to get back to normal.
Still, Biden remains more popular than his predecessor, Donald Trump, ever was. At the same point in his presidency, about 37% of Americans said they approved of his performance in office.
The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,005 adults in all, including 437 Democrats and 372 Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 4 percentage points.
Reuters Polling Explorer
Hopefully this will be such a setback that the democrats are politically finished for a decade or more.
President Biden Job Approval
Approval has trended down 2 points over 6 months.
Disapproval has trended up 6 points over 6 months.
Biden is plus 8
In 6 months, if trends continue, you can extrapolate (When I see you the reader I mean everyone but Fred. He cannot do math to save his life. He arrogantly eschews it, because he is all that and a bag of chips.) to the death cross, where Biden in under water.
Biden will be an albatross around the necks of Democrat al through 2022, when they are campaigning for midterms. Press ain't going to be able to refloat Joe like they did Obama next New Year. One looked like a virile man, The other looks like a geezer.
Inflation is up.
Ransomware attacks is up.
There are no "Good" wars. Press saw to it. So the only military news will be bad news of cost overruns and CRT in the news. there are so many small news establishments growing like weeds that Fakebook and legacy media won't be able to quash it.
Campaign season will open up in late fall and winter, when illegal border crossing will surge again due to cooler weather in time for the campaign season.
blah blah blah
fred this and fred that and if this and if that
deal 2with what is NOW
Biden numbers higher now than Trump ever had in 4 years and that is why Trump did not get reelected. he failed. he is a loser.
now call more names. who gives a crap>? that tells us more about you than your opponent(s)
take shot. do not take shot. Dwarin will decide things on this for hang this one and that one: grow up. you live in a democracy and not in your beloved KKK
We do not live in a democracy. We live in the DemoKKKrat controlled US.
It is so bad at the major metro it is dangerous to visit a consulate to get a visa for foreign travel. It was shitty before with a cop on every corner, democrats harassing multiracial couples, and beggars every block. Now, they requested federal troops. So, it has gone from shitty to shithole.
The Ku Klux Klan was the Terrorist Arm of the Democrat Party
Call Frances up an give a piece of your white privilege. Go ahead chickenshit
True it was that the Dems emerged after the civil war and right-wingers were in KKK. That all changed when LBJ of the Democratic party ended segregation and since then the GOP runs the look at virus rates and you can tell what morons they are.
It is of course the GOP in red states fucking up voting rights and doing nothing--just say NO--in the Senate to prevent the changes this nation needs. Look for example, at how they promised non-stop a health care program and gave nothing. How
trump screwed up the virus response and even he knew it was that that cost him a second term.
The Democrats did not receive absolution in the 1960s. That is just a lie you tell yourselves. Heard it before.
It is just like the lie you tell yourself that all Mexican Americans love the Democrats and you will win Texas. Take McAllen, Texas. McAllen is mostly Mexican American . Democrats count on it. They take it for granted, but it is becoming red.
I see former retired side stepped the challenge to call up Frances. I knew his punk ass to was to cowardly to call Frances.
Who integrated the nation? Democrats
who won world war one and two? Democrats
who got us out of the Depression? FDR, Democrat
Who got us out of the great recession? Obama
who gave us the current health plan that Americans love:? Obama
who fucked up virus response? trump
Who integrated the nation? Wilson and other Democrats
They are taking his name off of schools. They did so, where I live.
We had Black representatives to Congress in the 19th century. Democrats shot them
The Republican had the 12sty black senator. Democrats forgot him.
FDR caused the recession in 1937 and 1938. That is a world record that had s not been broken, FDR caused recession in a depression.
Obama? Obviously, dopey gal does not know what a V shaped recovery looks like or she would not be claiming credit for a disaster.
Trump got a vaccine in 9 moths, which is a world record. Fauci hemmed and hawed and said it would probably take longer, Fauci purposefully threw shade.
Democrat after Democrat lockeddown their states and then broker their own lockdowns time after time and were photographed not wearing masks. But keep bringing it up Francine.
Why is the left so psychotic when they're losing?
Is it because they know the election was stolen and went along with a coup?
Are they so worried to be again and again on the wrong side of history?
The slave holders back then were mostly Democrats, even I as a European know that
The KuKluxKlan was mostly Democrats.
The constant try to divide your nation along race and gender lines, pushed by the Democrat state media
The election theft, done by the left
The calls for violence for years, done by the left, most famously and repeatedly Maxine Waters calling first for the harassment and intimidation of Republicans which led to hundreds of beatings and assaults throughout the United states, and I as a European know it and the uninformed leftists fanatics on this blog are clueless because all they believe is what they always see and read and they don't realise that the corporations you listen to and read are no longer majority owned by America,.. utter morons
You have an army of brainwashed leftists who didn't see the videos of poll watchers being harassed and kicked out because the media just didn't show it
The corporate media is creating a parallel reality in which they think Biden, a known pedophile and corrupt traitor to the United states won the election after not being able to pull any crowd while Trump had on one day 6 events with stadiums packed by the tens of thousands.
They turn off reasoning
They want their team to get away with a coup and treason because the media told them the rest of the country is racist or dumb and so they help in the destruction if your country.
It's nightmarish and all fingers point to China which owns your media. What's so hard to understand? Have you never worked in transnational corporations? Do you not understand this is normal? China is taking over in all regards and you're being told lies about your brothers and sisters and you go along with it. More yet, you cheer it on.
You're under attack.
It's beyond serious.
South Dakota is a red state,. Let's say that the virus is going through there now.
Now instead of just looking at state, we look at a more granular level of say zip code, What if the outbreak is mostly in blue areas of a red state.
Lie Austin is a cyanotic blue, gangrene area of red state Texas.
Most of us can do more analysis than what is spoon fed to us by former newspapers and by former retireds.
What if most all the the new cases in South Dakota were in the Souix Indian reservation which votes Democrat. Technically the Reservation in South Dakota, but is the spread due to the the governor?
I hope you have smelling salts.
keep kidding yourself
red states with red gov do not enforce ask for or remove mandates or have none for masks and vaccines or simply have dummies like the guy above...fact: the red states have more cases now than the blue states. the horsehit explanations do not change that simple fact.
now if Darwinian explanations are accepted..or not...then we will see how this all plays out.
Trump got the vaccine. why?
You're a liar Lapides, how come?
Lapides is still stuck in the early 20th century. Darwin's opponent Lamarck was right. But don't tell Lapides. He does not like to read.
Not what I said. Look at the way I worded it. You also forget being the opinionated bigot you are that Mendel fudged his data.
I posted it, because It knew you would jump like the liberal martinet that you are. It is so delicious to see how you are stuck in your stupid ways. Everything you ever knew, you learned from a headline.
what you said was stupid. You simply do not know what you think you know. You are and always will be
a pretentious ass. Mommy must be proud of the ass she brought into the world. Or were you fully formed and popped out of a hyena's belly?
Up until the Krushev are or thereabouts good communists believed in Lamarck. As a good little eichman socialist, I figured you would not throw shade on Lamarck. I guess you are not as good and devout socialist as you claim. Wait, until I tell the others. And you do not keep up with the literature just the headlines from former newspapers.
what a whack job
Thanks for the daily dose of pure propaganda WNU editor! You have almost outdone yourself, are your handlers pleased? Or is it just the intellectual dishonesty eating away at your integrity again?
Are you serious? Intellectual dishonesty, integrity!?!?! Try reality, I know you're unfamiliar with it, but you could try!
It is not worth explaining it to you 10:37. Funny you don't dispute our dear editors lean...
Then don't explain. You make claims but that's it. Again, are you serious?
That's either Lapides or one of his merry band.
I don't care who it is, his product is pretty weak.
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