Friday, July 9, 2021

President Biden Says US Military Mission In Afghanistan Will End August 31. Not September 11 As Originally Announced


Daily Mail: Biden says US mission in Afghanistan will end on August 31 and insists Taliban takeover is NOT inevitable: President snaps at reporter who asked if he 'TRUSTS' the Taliban 

* Joe Biden said 'speed is safety' as he moved up U.S. deadline for mission to end 

* The White House has been under intense pressure to justify the rapid departure 

* But Biden insisted a Taliban takeover was not inevitable 

* Analysts welcomed the new August 31 deadline, saying 9/11 target handed Jihadists a propaganda victory 

* It comes as Afghan forces fight to stop Taliban taking first provincial capital 

* Militants also reportedly seized a key border crossing with Iran 

* And the head of U.K. military warned country could fall back into civil war 

* Last week it emerged that U.S. personnel slipped away from Bagram air base without telling local Afghan commander 

President Joe Biden on Thursday said the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan will end on Aug. 31, saying 'speed is safety' as he moved up his original deadline of leaving by the anniversary of 9/11 despite the growing threat of civil war. 

The Taliban have made rapid advances since his April announcement that American troops would leave, but Biden insisted it was up to the Afghan people alone to decide how to run their country. 

'I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan, with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome,' he said. 

The White House has been under intense pressure to explain its rationale for rushing out of Afghanistan after it emerged that U.S. forces had slipped away from Bagram in the dead of night, effectively ending the combat mission without telling the local Afghan commander.  

Read more .... 

More News On President Biden Saying The US Military Mission In Afghanistan Will End August 31  

‘Overdue’: Biden sets Aug. 31 for US exit from Afghanistan -- AP  

Biden announces U.S. military mission in Afghanistan will end August 31 -- CBS  

Biden changes end of US combat mission in Afghanistan from Sept. 11 to Aug. 31 -- FOX News  

Biden Announces U.S. Mission in Afghanistan Ending August 31, 10 Days Earlier Than Planned -- Newsweek 

US speeds Afghanistan withdrawal as Biden sets August deadline -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Wnu don't legitimize this ghoul of a man, this pedophile creep, this traitor to your nation
This man who inappropriately showered with his daughter damaging her for life
This racist who pushed the crack cocaine bill damning 2 generations of African American families growing up without their fathers
If you follow this demon any further, darkness will spread further

Anonymous said...

right. follow Trump to where? golf course? jail? another scam? ho ho ho
Trump lost. prove otherwise

Anonymous said...

Lukashenko's opponent lost ho ho ho

Does the nature nature of man change when you cross the Atlantic Ocean?

But Porn King (839) has his asshole err opinion.

My intent originally in posting for this particular blogpost is that through back channel's is that the Taliban sent a threat to the President Puppet Regime. If they were going to be symbolic with the 911 date, the Taliban would send to body bags back. So Joe changed his mind.

Some number of uni-trained pencil necked geeks wanted the 911 for internal/American propaganda purposes. Taliban said "no". Geeks demurred. That is what I believe happened.

Symbology, power, will to power and aggressive use of force merged. Taliban proved they had more for that time and place.

Ned Price and the other NSC guy are prime example. You can tell they are male and run testosterone, but they have been in the cloister so long that they are fucking useless.

Old man had a conviction that it was better to go to public schools. You might learn more in a private school and it might be less rough and tumble, but at some point you will get a job and meet the people you were avoiding. How will you successfully deal with them? That is the theory anyway. On one hand how does Ned deal with or understand people from all walks of life? On the other hand Ned deals with people of his peculiar socio-economic class, bronies and unicorns quite well.

Anonymous said...

No there was 3 points there. You missed them all.

The first was that just because someone is declared the winner in an elections, does not mean they won fair and square. An example is Lukashenko.

Lukashenko's election is not peculiar to Belarus, Human nature is the same this side of the Atlantic or the other side of the Atlantic.

My 2nd point (Why I was originally going to comment on this blogpost by WNU) was I believe that the Taliban Threatened the US and the Biden regime moved the goal posts, because they are afraid of the Taliban.

My 3rd point was that pencil necked geeks, who lead a sheltered life set the original goal posts, because they have been sheltered most of their life and do not know better.

My 4th point, a new one, is GO FUCK YOURSELF 10:31. I hope you spin ...

Anonymous said...

still incoherent
If you mean I have led a sheltered life, then you are dead wrong: I went into the army two weeks after high school.
If you think Trump won the election then prove it
Your suggestion that Biden did not win is an indication of a very sick mind. Yep. The courts, the electoral college, the popular vote all indicate who won and NO not
Trump and if you think otherwise put up or shut the fuck up. Prove what you say!! I dare you

Anonymous said...

Screwing whores, while collecting a paycheck from Uncle Sam, does not mean you left a sheltered life.

Do not deny it. Tell me what is so dangerous about screwing whores. Is it as dangerous as the life of a rifleman on the line?

In WW2 GI's paid for sex with packs of cigarettes. Did you use a pack of cigarettes or did you negotiate a better deal with someone living in poverty?

Anonymous said...

DOD has training it. Too bad the DOD did not have such training back in the day.

Anonymous said...

did you serve? nope
you are just a baby spewing shit because low class, poor education, poor ego and friendless...mommy did not give you enough to suck on?

Anonymous said...

To procure the services of a prostitute is to engage in sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

No customers and the system grinds to a halt. You did your part supporting the system.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A Seth Rogen movie, The New Yorker covers, and South Park cartoons have all made Kim — and his haircut — the target of much lampooning. And in one of the strangest twists in recent international diplomacy, Donald Trump caused a sensation by announcing the two “fell in love” with each other. All this publicity has ultimately resulted in a cartoonish version of Kim, which, however good for a chuckle, obscures how this enigmatic dictator and his family have ruled over the course of three generations.