Monday, July 5, 2021

Taliban Says Seizing Kabul Not A Military Objective


BBC: Afghanistan: All foreign troops must leave by deadline - Taliban 

Any foreign troops left in Afghanistan after Nato's September withdrawal deadline will be at risk as occupiers, the Taliban has told the BBC. 

It comes amid reports that 1,000 mainly US troops could remain on the ground to protect diplomatic missions and Kabul's international airport. 

Nato's 20-year military mission in Afghanistan has all but ended. 

But violence in the country continues to rise, with the Taliban taking more territory. 

Under a deal with the militant group, the US and its Nato allies agreed to withdraw all troops in return for a commitment by the Taliban not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control. 

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WNU Editor: If the Taliban have the opportunity to seize Kabul, they will do it in a heart-beat, foreign troops or not .... Taliban says seizing Kabul not a military objective, but warns policy could change if foreign troops stay past exit deadline (RT).


Unknown said...

Come 2 usa and become usa people friends show us how 2 become militia please Taliban

Anonymous said...

During WW2 the Germans had victory disease. After a while they were focused on seizing cites not destroying the opposing army.

when Saladin took Jerusalem he too the surrounding cities. one by one and the refugees fled to Jerusalem. It fell like a ripe apple in his lap.

What is Kabul going to do without Bagram, air support of Taliban artillery on the heights?

I am confused. Is there a war in Afghanistan? Obama said it was solved.

Statement by the President on the End of the Combat Mission in Afghanistan

December 28, 2014 Da Obasma White House

Obama pledged to stop the Afghanistan war, but its end is nowhere in sight - Guardian

Obama pledged it. Trump forced President T-ball's hand.

Who at the Pentagon or White House had a winning strategy? Trump did not say he had one. In business, when a conglomerate is in trouble or has one poorly performing division, it sells it or spins it off. It does not try to keep bleeding red ink.

After being spun off or bought the underperforming division at times does very, very well. Ever wonder about it?

The Pentagon has a program where colonels are placed into different private or public corporations to learn new ideas and culture. Has no one told the tippy top brass of spin-offs?

The Pentagon had plan to win. The Pentagon had no plan to win that is could sell to the American president, who could sell it to the American people.

Trump spun Afghanistan off. It was the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Edit this post, anon. It shows you were hoodwinked by the presidential poser.