Friday, July 23, 2021

US Launches More Airstrikes In Somalia

VOA: US Conducts More Airstrikes in Somalia 

U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) carried out another airstrike in Somalia Friday, the second under the Biden administration after a nearly six-month hiatus from targeting the al-Qaida affiliate al-Shabab and Islamic State terror group. 

The U.S. military strike targeted al-Shabab in the vicinity of Qeycad, Galmudug, Somalia, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed to VOA and other reporters traveling aboard a U.S. military aircraft with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Friday’s strike supported partner forces “under collective self-defense,” Kirby said, adding that U.S. troops were not on the ground with Somali forces but were conducting a remote advise and assist mission with them. 

Further information was not provided due to “operational security.” A statement issued earlier Friday by the Somali government said the precision airstrike “destroyed al-Shabab fighters and weapons with zero civilian casualties.”  

Read more ....  

Update #1: U.S. military carries out second strike in Somalia this week (Reuters)  

Update #2: US launches second Somalia strike in week (The Hill)  

WNU Editor: Not everyone is supporting these air strikes .... Ilhan Omar Demands Answers From White House on Airstrike in Somalia (Newsweek).


Anonymous said...

Ilhan Omar Demands Answers From White House on Airstrike in Somalia (Newsweek)

Ilhan Omar and many of her Democrat brethren need to be quartered in Gitmo. Why is she concerned? Was there collateral damage? Were civilians hurt or killed?

Is she concerned, because Al Shabaab terrorists are Muslim. I thought Islam was a religion of peace. What is Al Shaab doing blowing up civilians in Mogadishu with car bombs.

Why hasn't Pelosi censured her?

Anonymous said...

I figured the vote for Ilhan was on the up and up. I figured African Americans, Somali Refugees and lots of Democrats voted for her for the usual identity politics reason and due to the D and usual pro9mises. It is not hard to believe. But I read a report, where there was fraud.

Shame on me. I thought they would pull out their industrial scale fraud for special occasions. Just so fucking stupid.

Jac said...

Does Ilhan Omar is agreeing with Taliban beheading?

Anonymous said...

she got elected. Trump did not

Anonymous said...

Fred hath speaketh at 9:46