Friday, July 23, 2021

Chinese Militarty Expert Says The U.S. 'No Chance' Of Stopping A Chinese Strike Against Taiwan

Newsweek: 'No Chance' U.S. Can Stop Chinese Invasion of Taiwan, Military Expert Says 

China's recent live-fire drills near Taiwan were targeted at the island's government, a military expert said this week, claiming Chinese forces would leave "no chance" for the U.S. to intervene. 

Veteran Chinese commentator Du Wenlong spoke confidently about the People's Liberation Army's amphibious capabilities on Tuesday amid a six-day, large-scale PLA exercise off the coast of eastern China, roughly 135 nautical miles north of democratic Taiwan. 

Appearing as a panelist on Chinese state broadcaster CCTV's prime-time program Defense Review, the analyst said the short distance meant PLA forces would be able to reach the island's shores "within a day." 

The prolonged Chinese military drills in the East China Sea were announced by China's maritime safety authority, which issued a no-go zone for merchant vessels lasting through July 21. 

The exercises—also about 120 nautical miles northeast of the disputed Senkaku Islands—would have involved the PLA's Eastern Theater Command.  

Read more .... 

 Update: US Would Have ‘No Chance’ at Stopping Chinese Strike on Taiwan, Military Expert Says (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: This confidence that China will succeed in an invasion of Taiwan is a sentiment that I believe most mainland Chinese have now accepted will be easy to accomplish, and with little if any blow-back.


David said...

Not sure if the mainlanders want to see 200.000-300.000 casualties to their little one child policy princelings ...they can take Taiwan, but I am pretty sure its going to be 10 times harder than the d-day landings and with no combat experience I am sure a lot of F-ups will occur.

Anonymous said...

I'd be noting activity upticks for the chinese coffin industry as a possible indicator for when xi wants to experience just where china stands on the world stage.
Their stockpiling of resources will last only so long. Their economy will be impacted and this will be added to their tremendous debt load.

It's xi's dice roll.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

I am afraid that the C C P is going to try something before the midterms election ,they can sense weakness in America but now is up to the whether

Anonymous said...

You know what I'm afraid of?

That nation states as we thought they exist do not exist anymore and that eg Russia, China and the USA are all run by a blend of public and corporate criminal syndicate like a ruthless drug mafia that does everything from invading nations to pushing drugs on us to taking or rights and violating every law and moral norm themselves.

It feels as if we're at the beginning of the end of something big and if left and right manage to ignore the distractions and obvious next false flags like cyber attacks which they'll use for their plans.

In the UK they literally tell you not to speak with your neighbour now that restrictions are lifted, and it didn't sound like this was about that health scare still.. they don't want us to talk about their crimes, the lockdowns, the fake PCR tests that have caused all this, the trillions in damages, the deaths caused by the vaccine that they talked us into, the depopulation plans some of the key architects and pushers of these vaccines and the lockdowns like bill gates have. They also don't want you to talk about bill gates pedo connection to Epstein and they don't want you to talk about his connections to the highest levels in media, science, politics, government and business who might all be corrupted throug him. Or his connection to bill gates alone who flew 27 times on the lolita Express, that's like 10 times more often than I flew to visit my mom. Like wtf.. and they censor everyone who speaks out on the test scandal, the hundreds of billions racketeering game by the hospitals which are empty but still cash in taxes and fees and insurance money and everyone who has flu or anything, people dying of gunshots and car accidents are counted towards covid using the PCR scheme which the inventor Dr. Mullis warned us about.

It looks to me like a global phenomenon and it started with the combination of occupy wallstreet, even we started questions about financial crimes and actually got in their faces, and the me too movement which must have scared them because of their sexual crimes, and finally the onset of social media, less control through their party state channels like CNN and FOX must have scared them. And the likes like julian Assange.. look what both sides do to prove who tell the truth and reveal their doings .. Edward Snowden is another one.. they smear them as Russians and nothing gets done about the illegal spy apparatus.
Obama OK'ed the droning of a 16 year old American citizen for thought crime(he was radical for sure, but never killed anyone and had gathered a YouTube following.. no judge.. just executed)
And we go like "ok sure whatever if it's a religion of peace member" right?
No, not right. They'll do this to anyone, without a judge. The media just ignored it.

So much is wrong and thanks to social media we notice it, and the injustices they commit.

So obviously they'll crush any social media company they cannot control. And they tried..gab.. parler..parler was crushed, gab was marginalised

And that's good enough for them.. they know that if you only get 1%of eyeballs and the left media gets 80% you'll never win at the pool booth, and if you do they smear you Russian and steal the next election and put those in prison who had questions about voting integrity and went to execute their constitutional rights to protest in Washington DC. Out of the nearly 1 million peaceful and joyful protests, less than 1000, I think a hundred or so, went inside.. including grandmas and check this, they were let in and waved in by Capitol police, one might say encouraged.

And these out of control totalitarian freaks have put some of them in prison for more than 3 months now (at the danger of serving 20 years based on yet another lie, just like Chauvin) and they are being tortured through solitary confinement for extended periods of time and some cannot even exercise or walk outside. This isn't right and this is not the characteristics of a healthy democracy.

Anonymous said...

Correction, bill Clinton@lolita Express
But bill gates hung out with him too, rumours are melinda gates wants a divorce since this connection emerged.. just saying..a loot of people connected to Epstein and when did Epstein get killed? Shortly before the outbreak lol as if they pulled a panick or emergency break ..I don't know.. but the PCR test scam is real, what Dr. Mullis said about that demon Fauci is real, what Ron Paul said about Fauci lying about gain of function is real (geneticist here)... so yeah... looks fishy

fred said...

World hoping to hell in a handbasket

Anonymous said...

Judging by how little blow-back China has received for unleashing Covid on the world, I think that sentiment is likely as not to be the case.

Anonymous said...

The successful taking of Taiwan by the PLA will hinge on these things:
1) How successfully subverted Taiwan is by mainland China.
2) The reaction of the US, (especially it's fleet)
3) How well the PLA fights and how much want to it displays.
Ps. China must do it quickly or not at all.

RussInSoCal said...

8:38 PM
"World hoping to hell in a handbasket"

That remark made no sense at all. Reads like something JoeFraud would babble out of his pie hole.

Anonymous said...

1016 yes..

They'll try to do it without force but through information warfare, corruption and subversion

If they have to do it militarily, they will take out the oil ports first.

Taiwan is dependent on imports and only has like 2 major ports, both easily in shrinking distance. They'd be gone in the first hour, because as soon as they'r down, the clock for the Taiwanese surrender ticks as they have maximum 2 weeks strategic reserve

Jac said...

"This confidence that China will succeed in an invasion of Taiwan is a sentiment that I believe most mainland Chinese have now accepted will be easy to accomplish, and with little if any blow-back."
And that's what is dangerous. Over confidence is bringing disaster.

Ken said...

Invasion mostly will take place in October. Great weather and enough time to get forces in place. China has been posting very aggressive news and videos involving invasion of Taiwan to see the pushback. Biden administration will not push back.

Anonymous said...

Russ from somewhere:
those who know, do not talk. Those who do not know wonder what things mean

Anonymous said...

Really!!! You're sooo busy, must be hard to remember everything you've claimed over the years. Fortunately the internet remembers. Perhaps your merry little band could also avail themselves of it's memory helper!