Thursday, August 19, 2021

23 U.S. Diplomats At The Kabul Embassy Urged The U.S. State Department Last Month To Begin Evacuations Out Of Afghanistan ASAP

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly received a memo warning about the Taliban's quick advance on Afghanistan. AP  

Daily Mail: Biden administration was warned LAST MONTH by US diplomats in Kabul of impending Taliban 'catastrophe' if troops withdrew and urged the evacuation of ALL Americans beginning August 1 

* 23 diplomats wrote a memo to Antony Blinken with warnings on July 13 

* Cable warned of the Taliban's advancing threat and collapse of Afghan forces 

* Also suggested State Department should take a tougher stance on the Taliban 

* The memo also suggested ways to speed up evacuations from Afghanistan 

* Is the latest in a list of reported warnings the Biden administration potentially ignored as American forces left 

* Report is damning evidence that the Biden administration was warned by its own officials of the impending disaster 

State Department officials in the Kabul embassy told the Biden administration last month that the Afghan capital would fall and to speed up evacuations, a new report claims. 

A dozen diplomats sent a confidential memo in a dissent channel to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on July 13 that the Taliban was rapidly gaining ground and the city was vulnerable to collapse, the Wall Street Journal reported.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Wow! These U.S. diplomats are not following the White House script. 

More News On U.S. Diplomats At The Kabul Embassy Urging The State Department To Begin Evacuations Out Of Afghanistan Last Month  

Internal State Department Cable Warned of Kabul Collapse -- WSJ  

Diplomats urged State Department to begin evacuations out of Afghanistan last month -- NBC  

Diplomats in Kabul told Blinken about rapid Taliban advance, contradicting Biden claim -- NYPost  

US diplomats warned Blinken in July country could fall to Taliban: report -- The Hill


Jac said...

The more we know, the worst it is! What kind of next stupid thing this administration is ready for?

Anonymous said...

Maybe those 23 are not worried because the writing is on the wall. Blinkered is on the way out and they know it.

Maybe things are so bad and the bile is rising in their throat and they can take the shit anymore, so they are speaking out.

Blinkered won't survive the midterms. He is out.

When he slinks to some spot government job like being a prognosticator on CNN or Madeline AllDull's outfit people should laugh and move on.

In parting Blinkered is here and screwing thing sup. But this too shall pass. He will be gone around midterms.