Monday, August 9, 2021

Australia's SKY News: Joe Biden ‘Doesn't Even Know The Population Of The Country He's President Of’


WNU Editor: For the past few months I have been pondering the idea of starting a blog with only videos of President Biden's glaring mistakes, miscues, and obvious errors. I definitely know I will have enough content to be posting everyday.

But I know what dementia is. My mother is suffering from it and I must face her suffering everyday. I also know there is also a lot of bad karma out there when you ridicule those who are suffering from an illness like dementia, or for that matter any other disease.  

But this is an important news story. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. His decisions impacts the lives of everyone, and everyone is looking at him. 

And this is why I worry.

The President of the United States needs to be sharp and focus. But President Biden is clearly not showing any of these traits, and what is even more troubling, I have noticed that it is gotten worse since returning from Europe two months ago. Even the foreign  press is noticing it (see above video).

Sighhhh ....

 A President Kamala Harris is beginning to look more and more probable with each passing day.


Unknown said...

To be fair, no one really knows how big the population of Britain really is due to mass illegal immigration. With the numbers currently invading the USA, Biden might be right. Keep ducking ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Anonymous said...

What with all the ANTIFA thug planes flying around, the population could be a bazillion or so.

The caravans of Islamo-Hondurans add another trillion.

Anonymous said...

I could find an opposition voice for any public person and stick it up. Check, for example, Fox on the Dems or Biden. Why not p[ost what he is doing?
compare his infrastructure plans and virus handling with the previous president.

Anonymous said...

You accepted the blatant coup, you deal with the consequences

Anonymous said...

No doubt he is declining, fast. However, he is not the one making policy. He has to read EVERYTHING and has said numerous times "He will get in trouble" for going off script. Jen Psaki admitted to that. Obama is the man running the show. He set up office in DC in 2016, and started planning the coup. Fraudulent elections. A pandemic that is less deadly than the common flu. etc, etc. More of "Change you can believe in"

Anonymous said...

Imagine a political party running a candidate so bad that his opponent Joe Biden gets elected!

Anonymous said...

losers lamenting

Anonymous said...

Biden does not know the population of the US and Trump wants to inject disinfectant and bring UV light into the body. I'd say it is time for the US to move on from these old geezers.

Anonymous said...

Fred, I would take you more seriously, if you posted under your own name.

Anonymous said...

"An endoscope is an illuminated optical, typically slender and tubular instrument used to look deep into the body and used in procedures called an endoscopy."

You can bring a UV light into the esophagus and lungs using an endoscope for the purpose of irradiating pathogens.

9:26 I hope you get your long awaited brain transplant soon nd get an IQ above 1 for o9nce in your life.

Anonymous said...

Why would you just now ponder creating a blog of the President making glaring mistakes? The last one said that his dad was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany" and said the noise generated by windmills causes cancer.

Anonymous said...

It is priceless to see someone calling out another for their intelligence when they type things like "nd" and "o9nce"

Anonymous said...

grammar nazi

X said...

Exactly ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous said...

People or sock puppets posting party approved stuff can post under their names without ANTIFA goons coming to the door. Other people cannot. So Fred should post under a consistent name.

Anonymous said...

why so many afraid to post under their own names and yet are critical or excusing of those who anon us?

Anonymous said...

Because liberals literally bomb people not of their political persuasion for merely posting on the internet. They have done it and will do it again.

Anonymous said...

nice excuse. NOT

Anonymous said...

Sky News owned by Murdoch and he's a proven agent of both Russia and China.

Anonymous said...

ok. show us the proof, otherwise insinuation without substance.
Biden mistakes as import for him as this:

Job growth so strong, the GOP is (literally) at a loss for words

Anonymous said...

People getting back jobs they had before pilot induced oscillation lockdowns of liberals. But drink the Kool Aid. You are going to need it, when you are in a internment camp sewing Nikes.

Anonymous said...

It's not PROVEN he's an agent of Russia and China.

Anonymous said...

It has not proven that he is not. Has the FISA court authorized wiretaps, to determine his guilt?

Anonymous said...

"not proven that he is not" are you serious? That is nonsense and you know it.

Anonymous said...

applying the standards the libs used against Trump to now be used against biden