Monday, August 9, 2021

Is A Canadian Federal Election To Be Called This Week?


Brian Lilley, Toronto SUN: Speculation that Trudeau will call an election heats up 

Beyond the non-stop spending announcements and cross-country travel, there are other tells that Trudeau's seeking to regain a majority government ‘Will he or won’t he’ has moved on to, ‘when will he?’ 

The question, of course, being one of timing — speculation abounds that a summer federal election could be called as early as Sunday morning or next weekend at the latest. 

Unless, that is, Trudeau looks at what is happening across Canada and pulls the plug. 

The never-ending speculation of an election call isn’t happening in a vacuum, it isn’t sprouting from the fevered minds of journalists and pundits, it’s being fed by actions mostly coming from the Trudeau government. 

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WNU Editor: I attended a birthday party this Saturday for a good friend who lives in Ottawa. He is a political appointee who works for the government, and he is confident that an election will be called this week.

I believe him.

But I do not share his enthusiasm that Prime Minister Trudeau will be re-elected with a majority government. The federal government's response to this pandemic has harmed a lot of people, and these people are not going to be forgiving. 

The advantage that Prime Minstser Trudeau has is that his opponents are fractured and weak. The Conservative Party has alienated its base by adopting policies that are no different from Prime Minister Trudeau's. The Green Party is in disarray. The Bloc Quebecois (a pro-independence party) is only running in Quebec, and the NDP (Canada's socialist party) is still stuck with support in the 15% to 20% range.

My prediction. Another Liberal minority party.


Anonymous said...

Biden supposedly to also make a emergency broadcast announcement this week

Anonymous said...

I live in Kingston Ontario. Local M.P Mark Gerretsen is going door to door already looking to secure the liberal vote. Fuck all our present political parties.

X said...

What does that have to with the post