“At this moment, other than the immunocompromised, we’re not going to be giving boosters to people.”
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) August 12, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci explains why a third dose booster shot is needed for immunocompromised people but not the general public. pic.twitter.com/FpOs0BO66A
The Biden administration is intensely scrutinizing coronavirus vaccines' effectiveness over time, facing the daunting task of timing booster shots right while still convincing the unvaccinated that getting the jab is worthwhile.
The bottom line: The vaccines still work incredibly well at protecting against severe disease and death, meaning the benefits of getting vaccinated are immense. But it's less clear how well they're working at preventing infection, which has huge public health implications with so many Americans still unvaccinated.
“I think everybody believes this wanes over time, the question is to what extent,” a senior Biden official said. “Nobody wants to be behind the eight-ball here. We want to catch it before there’s an issue, and that’s why there is very intense scrutiny.”
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WNU Editor: Covid-19 cases continue to increase in the U.S. .... Coronavirus cases increase by 207% in three weeks as largest hospital in Mississippi turns parking garage into Covid ward and Texas health official warns of 'disaster' as medical centers overflow with patients (Daily Mail).
The push for booster shots is also continuing .... Dr Fauci says EVERY American will eventually need COVID-19 vaccine boosters as FDA approves it for immunocompromised: CDC estimates 1 million people have already received an unauthorized third shot (Daily Mail).
+++ BREAKING: Clearest evidence yet that the corporate media is conspiring against you, and why they do it:
===== The Pasteur Institute ===== , the most prominent research institute in France, just released their study on Ivermectin, a drug the corporate media told you doesn't work.
TL;DR: Ivermectin works and increases survivability by A LOT.
Why the corporate media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC etc) lies to you: There's about 1 Trillion USD (1,000,000,000,000.00) at stake. Their biggest investors and ad buyers IS THE PHARMA INDUSTRY, is Pfizer.
For goodness sake, please do not take the vaccine. Take ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Another lie the media dished out (@hydroxocholoroquine) first they lied about it then silently retracted it
And they lie for these reasons:
1) Money: Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are not only safer and better, THEY ARE DIRT CHEAP! These monsters(!!!!!!!) kill us for greed, they harm children for greed, the military MUST act, immediately. STOP THIS!!!!
2) Power: The party must survive. They talked you into taking drugs with no long-term safety record. BOTH(!) parties did it. Trump rushed the job through operation warp speed - the key reason why we do not have a long term (10++ years is typical) safety profile for this vaccine. It is
3) Murderous: The Democrat party, AOC and others, have for years propagated this lie that humans are filthy and their carbon destroys the World, while all research shows this ain't so. Then they bully you into climate-change-denier and de-platform you. What they really want, always want: POPULATION CONTROL
Just think about it: The Democrat party is the party of Planned Parenthood. And they put most of these planned parenthood offices into majority black neighbourhoods. And: The founder of Planned Parenthood saw humans as a disease and wanted to rid the planet of them, SHE(!) another crazy woman - this founder of death - was a big racist and hated black people and wanted to target them through planned parenthood. Now, the party of death and occult science wants you to take a drug that we know doesn't give you immunity and we know is connected to menstrual bleeding.. and now they even tell women and pregnant women to go ahead and take the shot.
Can you not see what this is?
They are in a death cult!
The party of death and war and unsafe drugs now pushes this experiment on pregnant women to get their numbers up.
So the vaccine still kills the unvaccinated? DARWIN AT WORK! Bring it on!
The vaccinated become insane cult members forcing others to take it or be banned from their cult world they create, no denying that :D
Latest David Knight show discussing the Pasteur findings on Ivermectin..
you might not only save your or a loved ones life by taking 5 minutes to listen (it's at the very beginning of the show, but all 3 hours are good), but also reduce your hospital bill by a lot and shorten your stay and feel less shit. Just saying. Maybe if you're truly open to others, have a listen, truth never hurts, it's waking up that kinda sucks but then it sets you free.
Personally I'm waiting on the history books. Which will not include fauci, politicians, and media types and their publications.
Reformulate the fuckin vaccine, there should be a version 2.0/3.0 in the works, do these companies not have enough money to figure out how to anticipate mutations?
The history books are written by the survivors and only reflects agreed upon truths by the survivors, which isn't necessarily"the"truth
And it changes over time too
During the dark ages, the truth was that you're a witch if you float in water, with your arms tied
Those who died for years, in some cases and areas for centuries were thought of and recorded as witches.
Only later they realised they were just Democrats and corrected the historic record from "witch" or "demon" to mentally sick person, which is what they are
All lies! Nothing but lies! Civil War is coming.
@anon 404
Fair enough question
The problem is, and I've worked in this field, mind you:
1. We know RNA virii mutate, that's a long established scientific fact going back decades and very well documented in thousands if not tens of thousands of peer reviewed papers
2. As we know that these virii mutate, the ideas was to create part of their spike protein creating engines. However, this is madness to do as these could also mutate, which is what we see now, ie people will be producing mutated spike proteins causing all sorts of damages
3. But it goes further. These people who are vaccinated not only produce these mutated spike proteins, which will in all likelihood give them at least flu like syndromes eventually (if they keep taking the shots more than 4 times or so the likelihood of death or severe flu syndrome increases)
4. These "vaccinated "/ infected people(all vaccines are infections but these make you produce mutated versions of the infection INSIDE YOU) will not only cause huge harm to themselves BUT they're also infectious
It is as if someone wants to target people who even inspire of clear and present and documented danger believe the authority and believe the television.
It could be that we are looking at a killer weapon that targets people who follow the herd and don't look up to the people warning them.
I want you to read these papers and watch these links above
Your life is precious
You have dignity
Do not give into people who use lies and force and coercion and financial incentives. Listen to those who truly care for you, close friends, family, and only listen to doctors who are not political, this death cult is everywhere
You ever notice you never ever see pictures of these over run hospitals and fill parking lots?
At worst 3:16 is a troll trying to set people off so they get arrested.
At 3:19 we have parrot, who reminds me a lot of Dr. Maynard.
Hospitals will be full this time
The mRNA vaccinated will express (produce) the spike proteins and they will infect others with it, we see that already.
And this winter, in all likelihood, will be deadly because the vaccines mutated them and caused even during this summer an upflare, when respiratory outbreaks are seasonally limited
And the people in hospitals are the vaccinated mostly, but also unvaccinated
My advice, as masks don't really work, stay at least 20 feet away from anyone vaccinated with the mRNA shots (I haven't studied the via adenovirus delivery vaccines yet, they might be less dangerous in terms of mutations)
Good luck, guys..
3:16 has worked in this field, has degrees in this field and has done actual research in this field. Have you? All I can do is warn you, that's all I'm trying to do.
3:19 correct: Fred
This is what I know about 3:19. They opened one book in their field. They coauthored another book on racism. Makes you wonder who did the heavy lifting. Any bets? The rest were a whole bunch of 'Me too', 'ME TOO", add me to the list of authors in position 10, 12 or lucky 13.
If 3:19 were active toady, I bet they would rush out with a book on CRT and then brag that they were published.
dear heart:
I know what I have published and I continue to get royalties for that which is copyrighted in my name...and you? your paystub for flipping burgers at Micky D's after you lost your job as a bookkeeper for local massage parlor
You get royalties for "Casebook ...". Well, you might considering how fucked up academia is. I and countless others live in multiracial families and total preeners like you are berating people for being racist. Are you stupid much?
60 Minutes had an interview of a well known pundit back in the 80s or 90s, who published many books. He lived in Washington DC in a high rise. He was asked about the economics of book writing. He told the interview that after 5 months the royalties essential go to zero. Think exponential curve.
Jerry Doyle talked about his residuals from acting. He still got checks by they were so small they were more of a accounting nightmare during tax time than livable income.
So Mr. Casebook tell us about those royalties and lie to us again.
I did not order you or ask you to report to me. My purpose was simply to let some of the people here know that your royalty boast is just that, a boast.
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