Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Covid-19 Deaths And Cases Explode In The U.S.

On Tuesday, the U.S. recorded more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths in a single day for the first time since mid-March, bringing the death toll to 623,329

Cases also rose with 128,902 new cases of the virus reported on Tuesday with a seven-day rolling average of 137,058, a 269% increase from the seven-day average of 37,056 recorded one month ago  

Daily Mail: US records more than 1,000 Covid deaths in a single day for the first time since MARCH as Alabama says it has no ICU beds left and Mississippi opens its second field hospital in days 

* On Tuesday, the U.S. recorded more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths in a single day for the first time since mid-March, bringing the death toll to 623,329 

* The seven-day rolling average of deaths currently sits at 710, which is a 159% increase over the last month from the average of 274 

* Cases also rose with 128,902 new cases of the virus reported on Tuesday with a seven-day rolling average of 137,058, a 269% increase from the seven-day average of 37,056 recorded one month ago 

* COVID-related hospitalizations have increased by about 70% in the past two weeks to 83,693 with many facilities reporting they are overwhelmed with patients 

* Alabama says it has no ICU beds left as hospitalizations have surged to 2,723 people, up 172% from about 1,000 one month ago 

* In Alaska, five patients were transferred from Anchorage to a hospital in Seattle in a week when typically just one patient a month is transferred to Seattle 

* A second field hospital opened within days on the University of Mississippi Medical Center campus in the facility's parking garage 

The United States reported more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths - equating to around 42 fatalities an hour - for the first time since March. 

On Tuesday, officials recorded 1,004 deaths with a seven-day rolling average of 710, which is a 159 percent increase over the last month and the highest number seen since April 20. 

This brings the death toll from the pandemic to just 623,329 people, the highest number officially reported by any country in the world. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Here come the booster shots .... Covid-19 vaccine booster shots to be offered to Americans beginning September 20, health officials say (CNN).


Anonymous said...

Wnu you're spreading misinformation by now and doing a huge disservice to your readers

Many many scientists have come forward and calling for a halt to these vaccines, which are producing spike proteins in your body, lowering your immune system and cause a wide array of diseases, comparable to prion infection

Now you can keep propagating fear and misinformation but the only people you hurt are your readers and the only people befitting are big pharma, neoMarxists, globalists and China

It's reckless, sir
The booster shots will kill scores

I recommend to anyone reading this to watch the dozens of scientist interviews, including Nobel prize winners in this latest Alex Jones show

Step 1) The PCR tests were used to fake the pandemic

Step 2) once the emergency systems were in place and the population locked down, but caught up to the PCR test scam, the CDC-- which currently issued orders in clear violation to the constitution- then also silently replaced the PCR test last month. Why? Because

3) with the vaccines now in place, the people who took the shots are actively producing prions and shedding them to others

The military absolutely must act
Hold special elections and do not take the vaccines unless you've done your research.

All the mice who got the vaccines died within a few months. In humans it'll take a few years and you doubt necessarily die but the diseases it'll cause are horrible

Detached retinas
Blood vessel ruptures
And diseases that look similar to mad cow disease and alzheimer's, as the prions go through the blood brain barrier

I see a pattern here, wnu.. almost the entire world has caught up to the PCR test scam, aside you

How come?

Anonymous said...

And wnu take this advice
People will not forget

Anonymous said...

absolutely correct....good post

Anonymous said...

When you even see kids talking about war crime tribunals and Nuremberg code you just know we are close to restoring the republic and justice. It'll be epic!!!