Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Will The Covid-19 Pandemic Ever End?

Jerusalem Post: Variants vs. vaccines - is the COVID-19 race ever going to end? - analysis 

How come, if there are such good vaccines, has the pandemic not ended? 

The bad news is that COVID-19 is here to stay. The good news is that this will eventually be stabilized – it just has not happened yet. Pandemics do not have a start or an end date. “

We have this expectation that COVID-19 had a start: It started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. And we have this expectation that it is going to end,” said Dr. Daniel Landsberger, chief physician for Maccabi Health Services. 

“We want a date for it to end.” But if we look over hundreds of years, pandemics are processes. The Bubonic Plague of the 16th century lasted a few hundred years and there are still random but rare outbreaks today – mostly in Third-World countries like Africa, India and Peru.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A depressing read. Bottom line. Covid-19 and its variants will be with us for a long time. At least the vaccines appear to be working .... Vaccines show declining effectiveness against infection overall but strong protection against hospitalization amid delta variant (Washington Post).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tons of Israeli scientist demand to stop these vaccines, but of course they're being deplatformed and pharma media doesn't put them on...

If you can't see what it is, talk to a scientist friend

Have you noticed that for these "vaccines"(they're not vaccines, do not give you immunity and don't protect you from spreading it either), that the groups that resist these vaccines are untypically distributed?

The biggest group of vaccine hesitancy by degree are PhDs...

And I'm not surprised, these are experimental shots, pushed on us by corrupt pharma and authoritarian officials in violation of Nuremberg codes, human rights

I say don't take them

If someone coerces you to take experimental drugs with no long term safety profile and on top asks you to wave your rights and you're dumb enough to comply, so be it

Good luck either way