Friday, August 20, 2021

Hezbollah Says Iranian Fuel Tanker Is Headed For Lebanon. Dares Israel And US To Act


Times of Israel/AFP: Daring Israel and US to act, Hezbollah says Iran fuel tanker to sail to Lebanon 

Terror group’s chief Nasrallah doesn’t say how ship will deliver cargo in defiance of US sanctions Hezbollah terror group chief Hassan Nasrallah said Thursday a tanker would set off from Iran “within hours” to bring desperately needed fuel supplies to Lebanon, in defiance of US sanctions. 

Many questions remain about how the shipment would reach its stated destination, where acute and growing fuel shortages have forced hospitals, businesses and government offices shut amid a crippling economic crisis. 

But the move, prohibited by US sanctions on Iran’s oil industry, could drag Lebanon into the covert naval war between Tehran and Israel. 

Nasrallah dared Iran’s foes to stop the shipment.  

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More News On An Iranian Oil Tanker Headed To Lebanon 

Iranian fuel tanker heads for crisis-hit Lebanon, says Hezbollah -- France 24  

Hezbollah arranges Iranian fuel for Lebanon -- Reuters  

Hezbollah says Iranian fuel oil ship to sail to Lebanon in hours -- Al Jazeera  

Hezbollah Leader Confirms Iranian Fuel Shipment Will Head To Lebanon Within Hours -- AMN News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Biden Effect

On other news

Joe Biden Calls a Lid on Public Appearances and Remarks Indefinitely

Just like 1912. Just set the nukes free already.