Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Is Sirhan Sirhan, Convicted Of Assassinating Robert F. Kennedy, About To Be Released?

Washington Post: Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of Robert F. Kennedy assassination, seeks parole with no opposition from prosecutors  

Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted of the 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, will face a California parole board for the 16th time Friday in a prison outside San Diego. But unlike the first 15 times, no prosecutor will stand to oppose the release of Sirhan, who is now 77. 

Sirhan Sirhan et al. that are talking to each other: Sirhan Sirhan, third from left in blue, reaches to shake the hand of shooting victim Paul Schrade, second from right, at the end of a parole hearing in 2016, where Sirhan was denied parole for the 15th time. 

Schrade believes Sirhan is innocent of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Sirhan was arrested at the scene of Kennedy’s shooting in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968, convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death for the slaying of a U.S. senator who appeared headed for the Democratic presidential nomination. 

The assassination, along with that of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. two months earlier, created a turning point in American history with the sudden elimination of the charismatic leaders of the American civil rights movement and the Democratic Party respectively.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: With no opposition from prosecutors, it looks like he will be released this time. 

Here is an easy prediction. 

His parole is going to please no one who lived during that time.


Anonymous said...

I lived in that time....and I'm still not sure he did it..alone.

Anonymous said...

If RFK had lived, I think US history would have been quite different. I was in 6th grade living in LA when he was killed. It was announced on the PA and school was let out! Lots of kids were crying. Unlike JFK, I don't buy the conspiracy story with Sirhan.

Anonymous said...

The given truth was that older releasees posed little to no danger due to diminished physical capacity and desire to offend. I've read where this is no longer gospel. I no longer believe it. I obviously do not know in this case.

I wonder if Sirhan will become popular with the ant American Palestinian crowd upon release similar to, but greater than a Palestinian suicide bomber.

B.Poster said...

I'll believe this one when it happens, it's hard to imagine any group being more leadership class than the Kennedys and the leadership class would normally be expected to take care of its own but things do seem to be changing and perhaps the Kennedys are now out of favor.

Anonymous said...

Extremely bizarre to read the WP story and not have them to tell people that 1) Sirhan clearly shot RFK (not only are there witnesses but additional evidence was found in Sirhan's home afterwards), 2) most of the belief that someone else killed RFK is due to a bizarre conspiracy theory involving "mind control" and 3) no mention that Sirhan killed RFK because of his support of Israel and Sirhan was a Palestinian terrorist.

The same issues marred a report I heard on NPR years ago with Cokie Roberts on the anniversary of his assassination. It left out so many details I had to begin researching the assassination to figure out what happened.

Why does the media want to hide these facts from the public?
