Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Poll: President Biden's Approval Is Now At 41%

Chelsea Stahl / NBC News  

USA Today: Exclusive: Americans' harsh judgment on Afghanistan costs Biden's approval, down to 41% 

Was the longest war worth it? 

After two decades of combat, Americans by more than 2-1 say the war in Afghanistan, launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, wasn't worth it. In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, 3 of 4 predict the Taliban-led country will once again become a haven for terrorists targeting the United States. 

For President Joe Biden, the cost of the war's chaotic end has been steep. His overall job approval rating now stands at 41% who approve versus 55% who disapprove – a big drop in the closely watched barometer of political health. Until last week, national polls generally showed his approval rating above 50%. 

Now, while he has held the backing of 87% of Democrats, only 32% of independents say he's doing a good job.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These NBC polls showing President Biden at 50% approval are already out of date .... Presidential approval tracker: How popular is Joe Biden? (NBC).

As for the 41% that approve of President Biden in the USA Today poll. I am willing to bet that that this support is soft.


Anonymous said...

Once people realise what CNN and MSNBC again did to them, these poll numbers will look great in comparison

Head of CEO now admits that vaccines may cause mutant strains!!!

Sooo, done calling me a russian bot or FBI dude trying to ensnare you???? @:)

And even NPR is now on board with what I SCREAMED for weeks on this blog

And it's not even new news.. it's old news that vaccines can do that:

They PROGRAMMED YOU to react like a pavlovian dog to shriek "vaccine skeptic".. don't your realize that they did this starting about 4 years ago? Why do you think ?? They planned the whole thing!

They lied to you from testing/detection to treatment.
Why do you think Dr. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test that was used to whip you into believing into the outbreak was used in the first place? Why do you think he warned us of Fauci, that absolute demonic monster, who he knew from the AIDS epidemic? He did the same thing he did last time, he tricked us all!

Why do you think the inventor of the mRNA delivery technology came out against this too? And Bret Weinstein AND Steve Kirsch

Why do you think the ex VP of Pfizer came out in the most dramatic terms against this and warns of huge consequences to mankind?

Why do you think Dr. Francis Boyle, the human rights lawyer (Bosnia, palestine and informed the bioweapons law in the US and dealt with multiple vaccine scandals) is calling for Nuremeberg trials?

They wanted to enslave us, are still trying .. we must resist this

They tried to inject us all with mRNA that PRODUCES the actual virus and causes strains! And they did this to lock us down, while they get to still travel.

The World Economic forum talks about an "inevitable" future and acts as a hostile, terrorism like body indoctrinating our leadership that mankind just must live in a little shoe box and it's good that the leaders fly private jets, we just don't get it, we are dumb they think.

They want to create a neo feudalistic class and rule us through a medical passport and location grid (the geospatial intelligence group is the largest growing and least discussed in the USA)

Just please guys, I can't do all the lifting :) Some people here, please do your homework, and then speak out! Your children's future depends on this.

We are used to wars against a foreign invading enemy. This is 5th generational, information warfare and it is the elite, the rober barons, the bankers, who we bailed out so many times, big tech, state media.. they want to rule us, without anymore questions about our future, elections or if we can please have input on the great reset.

They are enslaving us all - our forefathers would be ashamed if you just sit there and not think for yourself and do a little bit of research that goes beyond the bought and paid for snopes and other fact checkers who are directly financed by big pharma, on record and even snopes' founder is ensnared in 1000s of plagiarism frauds. All on record.

Good luck

fred said...

No one will pay heed to an anon
Man up

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is my favorite Cuomosexual.

Lady Jill McBiden is my favorite gold digger.

Anonymous said...

Biden's numbers are still better than Trump's number. You cannot tell me otherwise. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Not listening not listening ...

I have folded paper ... better than you


la la la la la la

B.Poster said...

Rasmussen currently has Biden's approval rating at 44% which is comparable to Trump's low mark. The main drivers aren't Afghanistan but are the rapid spread of Coronavirus abs the soft economy.

Last year at this time things looked far less bleak on the Coronavirus front than they do today and former president Trump was being raked over the coals for it. The numbers are far worse now and back when the numbers were falling team Biden and his supporters took credit for it. Shouldn't they then own the deteriorating situation too? Where is the media? The American people see through this and appear to be holding them to account.

If approval ratings continue to drop, bipartisan impeachment of a benefactor of electoral irregularities becomes a real possibility. Fairly or not, unfairly in my considered opinion, the US is taking heat for it's Afghan policy. If we assume this "heat" isn't for domestic consumption for foreign audiences, tossing the beneficiaries of electoral irregularities may be the only way to restore confidence among these allies.

Also, the electorate is seeing how horrifically the border is being handled. Many of them understand that allowing massive hordes to invade the country isn't a good idea, even more so during a pandemic. No wonder Biden's approval ratings are dropping!!

Finally, if "allies" really do question our "credibility." Perhaps they will develop more capability themselves meaning in a crisis they will be better able to pull their own weight rather than continuing to drain America dry and further deplete us. I would say this would be a very good thing if it's actually true. I'm highly skeptical that it's really true.

Anonymous said...

Scylla and Charybdis

Fred and B Poster

Dumb and Dumberer

B.Poster said...

Anon 2:44

The facts I present are accurate and I believe the analysis to sound. If you perceive a flaw in the analysis, please point it out. Time permitting we can discuss. After all this is how we learn. Cheap insults aren't helpful and add nothing of value to the discussion.

Anonymous said...


95% top 99% of your posts are an insult to every reader's intelligence.

Jac said...

B.Poster 3:01

I agree, discussion must have dignity.

War News Updates Editor said...

B. Poster

My Democrat friends in the U.S. are saying the same thing.

Covid, inflation, and economic concerns are the driving force behind these poll numbers. Hence the push for a $3.5 trillion stimulus bill and talk of vaccine passports and other measures.

But IMHO that is the tip of the iceberg.

Throw in crime, border, massive market bubble, and the ending of the rental moratorium .... Washington has some hard decisions to make in the coming months, and much of it is out of their control.

Anonymous said...

All those are concerns , but Afghanistan is the straw that broke the camel's back and started the polls noise diving.

But feel free to troll some more. We know you will.

In your "IMHO" is an oxymoron. You troll so shamelessly, we all know you are anything but humble.

Anonymous said...

B Poster comes across as overly formal and unctuous, while the syntax still seems non-native. Then there is Russian/Putin fanboy material B Poster is known for. Virtually every post by Poster is an in your face insult spoken in dulcet tones.

Anonymous said...

You Lapides telling someone to "man up",

Anonymous said...

What they'll do next is say "ok ok as our vaccines don't work and cause viral mutations, we all gotta take the cult drug at the same time"...

They're literally in a cult

Anonymous said...

A satisfaction pool consider the to 3 to 10 topics, so COVID would be in there.

DA ‘Approval’ Letter for Pfizer Vaccine Had Several Key Future Dates to Complete Studies Then Threw Them All In the Garbage and Approved It Yesterday

This tells me they had 10 to 15 scientists consider it in committee and then put it up the chop chain to the SESs. This way if there is a foul up it sticks to no one, because although they shortcutted their normal processes, they have "a process".

a) Committee met several times.
b) Committee recommended approval.
c) Recommendation sent up the chain and approved.'

Through tone of voice and brow beating the message was sent as to the verdict required. Nothing looking like undue pressure is in the record.

That is what I see when I read the headline linked.

Adam said...

I just can't wrap my mind around the idea of spending that much more money when we've spent so much. That seems like the true end of the so called American empire.