Monday, August 16, 2021

Republicans Float The Idea To Use The 25th Amendment To Remove President Bidenn

Politico: Rick Scott raises removing Biden from office over Afghanistan 

"Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?” the GOP senator tweeted. 

Sen. Rick Scott, the chair of the Senate GOP campaign arm, questioned Monday whether President Joe Biden's Cabinet should remove him from office, a near impossibility, over the sudden collapse of Afghanistan. 

Scott, who is widely viewed as a potential 2024 presidential candidate tweeted: “We must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?” 

Read more ....  

Update: Republicans float far-fetched 25th Amendment plan to oust Biden over Kabul debacle (Washington Examiner) 

WNU Editor: Not going to happen. Democrats are solidly behind President Biden.


Anonymous said...

Both parties are illegitimate at this point

Congress has 8% approval rating

At what point do you call a failed government so?

You gotta stop thinking parties
They're robbing you blind while you fight among each other which party is worse

They both suck
They're both filled with globalist traitors, sexual perverts and point blank murders and psychopaths and you argue over which one to keep and live under

They lead America to destruction for 50+years

Happiness- down
Life expectancy- down
Education down
Cost of living- up
Rat race- worse than ever
Inflation- up
Crime- up
Suicides- up
Censorship- waaaaay up
Control grid and constant surveillance- way up

Both parties destroy your liberty
Not just the Democrats
The republicans DO NOTHING

Jac said...

Unfortunately the Afghanistan/Kabul disaster is far to be the worst. With this administration we can expect the unthinkable. Just wait.

Anonymous said...

Jac, while true, I think the Republicans are almost as bad. They're doing nothing while the left finances terrorism in your own streets and terrorises you AND(!) courts into submission

And you all need to stand up and unify behind the next target these demons pick or you'll experience first hand how Nazis rose to power. Because no one cared or dared enough to stand up. Well, many did actually, but not enough. You need to organise in your neighbourhood. Get to know your neighbours, your local police. I'd they're leftists, against the constitution or against police you know it's not safe there.

Anonymous said...

"I'd they're leftists, against the constitution or against police you know it's not safe there."

Bird-brained level nonsense.

Anonymous said...

You're losing!

Anonymous said...

Losing what? WTF are you talking about? You make no sense. Ever. About a damn thing.

All these posts are just angry dipshits who don't know what they want. What do you want?

Anonymous said...

another moron with another plan.
You don't get rid of a president because you do not like the way he dealt with an issue if what he did was fully legal.