Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Taliban Spokesperson Holds First News Conference In Kabul


WNU Editor: The Taliban were saying the same thing when they took over the country in the 1990s. They lied then. They are lying now. 

The reason for this current media campaign is that they need to get Afghans back to work. To get services running. To make sure the phones, water, and electricity grid work. They also need foreign aid to continue into the country. 

But the problem with the Taliban media campaign is that they said the same thing 25 years ago. But when the situation became stabilized in the 1990s they then started their reign of terror. 

IMHO the Taliban have not changed. The UN is already reporting Taliban atrocities in other cities .... Taliban imposing ‘horrifying’ human rights curbs, UN chief warns (Al Jazeera). I expect them to return to their true colors in the coming weeks and months.


Anonymous said...

Pay no heed to what gets said in public. Here is a closer look from the source as to what they are up to:

The Afghan Taliban's Goal Is To Establish A Sunni Islamic Theocratic State

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration on Sunday froze Afghan government reserves held in U.S. bank accounts, blocking the Taliban from accessing billions of dollars held in U.S. institutions, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The decision was made by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and officials in Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the people said. The State Department was also involved in discussions over the weekend, with officials in the White House monitoring the developments. An administration official said in a statement, “Any Central Bank assets the Afghan government have in the United States will not be made available to the Taliban.” The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss government policy not yet made public.

Cutting off access to U.S.-based reserves represents among the first in what are expected to be several crucial decisions facing the Biden administration about the economic fate of that nation following the Taliban takeover. Afghanistan is already one of the poorest countries in the world and is highly dependent on American aid that is now in jeopardy. The Biden administration is also likely to face hard choices over how to manage existing sanctions on the Taliban, which may make it difficult to deliver international humanitarian assistance to a population facing ruin, experts say.

Asked Tuesday what leverage the U.S. would have over the Taliban going forward, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said that “there are obviously issues related to sanctions” but declined to elaborate. He also said the administration would first communicate directly with the Taliban.

Anonymous said...

MEMRI translates from Arab sources, sites. If you want to know what is going on in the minds and plans of anti-Western sources, this will give you a sample

Here Is What MEMRI Has Published On The U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan And The Taliban Takeover: Dozens Of Translated Reports, Clips, And Analyses

Anonymous said...

Two points

1) 4:23 is a copy and paste, no good liberal.

2) "The decision was made by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and officials in Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the people said."

Does not that scare you. Joe didn't tell Yellen. Joe is not mentioned being in the loop or as someone commented here keeping things coherent. So we have an unconstitutional government in America run by a Cabal and we do not know, who the cabal leader is.

We definitely need more Hunter Biden sex tapes, so we can ridicule the schlub family with its bad DNA. Maybe Hunter and James could do charity work and take part in a dunking tanks as the main attractions. We could raise a lot of money for the homeless.