Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Was This The Proper White House Picture To Send Out This Weekend?

FOX News: MSNBC slams photo of Biden alone at Camp David during Afghanistan briefing: 'Conveys an isolation' 

Gen. Barry McCaffrey: 'The photo of Mr. Biden sitting there alone was really bizarre' MSNBC joined a chorus of voices Monday criticizing a photo of President Joe Biden sitting alone in Camp David for a virtual briefing on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. 

Anchor Andrea Mitchell commented on a photo released from the White House on Sunday showing an isolated Biden amid the gravest foreign policy crisis of his presidency. 

As the U.S. has withdrawn its troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban has seized control and the Afghan government has collapsed, sparking panic and chaos in the nation as terrified citizens try to flee the impending terrorist rule.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: MSNBC is right. In a time of crisis the President must always be with his team in person on a podium with the press in front and everyone ready for questions and answers. The photo that the White House choose to post is the exact opposite on what they should have done. 

On a side note. There is speculation that the picture the White House used this weekend is actually a picture that was taken at a different time. The reason why people are voicing doubts is that the Moscow clock on the wall is wrong. 

This observation is correct. Moscow does not use Daylight Savings Time. 

So what is it with the clock? 

Is someone sloppy in the Situation room? Or was this picture taken before March 14 when the clocks were last changed? 

I think someone was sloppy and the picture was taken this weekend. President Biden is wearing summer clothing.


RussInSoCal said...

This whole so called presidency is a massive pageant. The WH spends 95% of its time staging, prepping, propping up, managing this incompetent poser that inevitably they overlook small details in his fake imagery.

The last thing this admin can do is portray Biden ad-hock in real time.

Anonymous said...

The time zone difference between DC and Moscow is wrong

Anonymous said...

Russ nailed it.

Anonymous said...

I think it doesn't matter
The fact is THEY picked this photo

They want him gone
And Kamala or Pelosi will be next.. or civil war.. hard to tell

Anonymous said...

"I think someone was sloppy and the picture was taken this weekend. President Biden is wearing summer clothing."

WNU Editor, not to rain on your parade because I'm sure you would like the narrative of this photo to suit your bias, but... summer clothing? Really... He's wearing a shirt. Indoors.

Summer clothing, lol!

Anonymous said...

No Russ, this picture is a representation of what has been happening. The question now is "Will they keep him". If they follow time honored tradition lower heads will start to roll.

Anonymous said...

I believe you are correct.