Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Cost To Canada For Its Covid Lockdowns Has Been Steep (And Still Counting)

National Post: What 16 months of COVID lockdowns have cost us 

The most crushing pandemic debt in the G20, and thousands of deaths attributable to the effects of lockdowns Canada is entering the post-lockdown era. We are officially the most vaccinated country on earth and our daily rate of COVID-19 fatalities has plummeted to just one in every two million Canadians.  

This is by far the most expensive thing Canada has ever done 

In March 2020, just as the first stay-at-home orders were hitting Canadian cities, the country’s federal debt stood at $721.4 billion. 

Only one year later, the Department of Finance was pegging the debt load at $1.2 trillion. It took 153 years to get to $721.4 billion, and in one year Canada grew that total by 66 per cent. That’s enough debt to pay for Canada’s entire inflation-adjusted contribution to the Second World War.  

Read more ....  

Update: Canada is heading towards a 'Delta-driven' fourth wave, Tam says (CTV News).  

WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and I have seen first hand on how lock-downs have destroyed people's businesses. 

And as for Canada's finances. 

From having one of the best fiscal balance sheets in the world to one that has been demolished in just 14 months, I shudder on what this will eventually cost to the young who will be facing the burden of paying all of this off.


fazman said...

Let's not forget the lives it's saved wnu, they did well to e.ukate Australia's response but unfortunately they closed the U.S border too late

Jac said...

We have to send the bill to China

Anonymous said...

Nice trade off fazman. grandma lives 2 months longer due to the lockdowns, while one her grandchildren hangs themselves due to school closures.



Anonymous said...

It's not how much it "cost"

It's about the transfer of wealth from the lower, middle and upper middle class and even those above (really 99.9% of the population) and a tiny sliver of bankers and mega corporations absorbed this wealth

They didn't have to shut down
They got most of the stimulus money even (by using the 500 employees per office loophole)

It's a disgrace and our politicians targeted us, decided we are not essential

This should tell you everything where we are heading

Every crisis, every conflict, every war benefits THEM and destroys us

Every loophole is used by them and denied to us

This must end