Sunday, August 15, 2021

This Is The Worst Moment Of President Biden's Presidency

Joe Concha, The Hill: The Biden 'fall of Saigon' media narrative in Afghanistan presents worst moment yet of presidency 

The day was July 8. The topic: President Biden announced a timeline for a drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, with the military mission of two decades ending on Aug. 31. 

After making his remarks, the president fielded this question: "Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam?" 

 "None whatsoever," Biden replied. "Zero. What you had is you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken. The Taliban is not the South — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable." 

Read more ....  

Update: Afghanistan will be seen as Joe Biden’s defeat. And it may come back to haunt him (Simon Tisdall, The Guardian)  

WNU editor: There are certain things that a U.S. President can never recover from. This is one of them. And while President Biden says that he has no regrets, I am willing to bet that a huge percentage of the American people have a different opinion right now on how his decision to withdraw US forces unconditionally put into motion this disaster.


Anonymous said...

The worst moment was when he swore an oath to uphold the constitution while illegitimately taking office at the same time.

That, or calling people who cast doubt on the election "terrorists", after THEY propagated the Russia hoax for years and called everyone on the right traitors and bigots for years.

No, sir. This is no president.
*Turns his back to a passing Biden motorcade*

Anonymous said...

As time passes, I am sure this catastrophe will be forgotten as worse catastrophes overtake the USA under Biden's watch.

Anonymous said...

Acela yellow belly sap sucker has not spoken up to copiously defend Biden. Let's face it Biden is the Gomer Pyle of the national Democrat leadership, but he believe like they do. He is just a little slower and more incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Marxism spreading
Terror in your streets spreading
Democrats doing the communist fist in air salute
Mobs in the streets forcing you to do the salute or if you're a business owner put the fist symbol in your store front if you're in Portland, Seattle or new York
Forced injections
Stigmatizing half of the country as racist just because they want borders

It's a global takeover
Corporations together with leftists fanatics

I wouldn't be surprised if any day now arrests are being made

Either the left will come for the last holdouts who haven't taken the authoritarian cult drug, and kill them all OR the military will finally step in and end this charade of democracies in the West that are hellbent to enslave us (and them and future generations) in the great reset THEY cause due to the lockdowns.. all based on fear they propagate and division they fester to rule us

These demonic vampires sucking the people dry

Anonymous said...

Biden was able to stop the Trump policies of oil independence, and a secure border, unfortunately he was unable to stop this.

Lets just be thankful Biden is in office. Im sure he will use his full mental capacity to make the world a brighter place. At least for those nations that are his problem

Anonymous said...

Needs to be hung publicly
And everyone who promotes lockdowns and forced vaccines

Anonymous said...

"Not Bidens problem" , but how many of those ISIS prisoners/fighters are headed for Syria?

Anonymous said...

So I have been reading the comments on each blogpost and the doctor is not in the house. The good doctor has been up for 4 hours and he has not commented. His boy, Biden, and his team, (D), have been taking hits and justifiably so.

But no apologias or retorts from the good doctor.

What happened?

Simple. The good doctor is awaiting the TPM so he knows what to think and h how to respond online.

Andrew Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

I have no problem with Biden's decision, one that should have been made years ago. More to the point: we shouldn't have stayed in Afghanistan for more than perhaps a few years in the first place, if at all. In short: There was no plan for 'Stan. That's not Biden's fault per se. It started with Bush and continued from there. But these are not considerations that the average American is capable of thinking through. Biden will indeed be remembered as the president that made a mess of a messy situation. It might be unfair, but there is at least one bright spot. It couldn't have happened to a sleazier, slimier piece of work who finally got what was coming to him.

And now for the not-so-bright spot: Kamala is still waiting in the wings, licking her filthy fangs at the prospect of at least finishing out Biden's term if/when he's removed or steps down.

Jac said...

Where is Kamala Harris?

B.Poster said...

Why would we conclude Biden can't "recover" from this as if he actually needs to "recover." Rasmussen has his approval at 47% and overall he's polling better based upon the best pollster in the industry than Trump did.

The things the American people look at are "bread and butter" issues as well as the health care available for them and their families. Many of us now realize that Aussies, Canadians, New Zealanders, and western Europeans just to name a few enjoy a lifestyle and the benefits associated with it that currently few of us Americans can ever hope to have.

Finally being free of Afghanistan is, in and of itself, a tremendous blessing. It remains to be seen how well we capitalize on the bounty of this blessing. I simply don't see this as a "disaster." Think about it. No more Americans need to die for a lost and hopeless cause!!

Anonymous said...

being free of your jabber would be a blessing

B.Poster said...


That's a good question. Presumably she's doing leadership things and doesn't have either the time or patience to answer questions from the peanut gallery. At least I'm pretty sure this is her thinking.

I'm a business owner and have known and worked with numerous people in leadership positions. I HATE the peanut gallery and I'm pretty sure they do as well!!

Anonymous said...

still jabbering

B.Poster said...

My "jabber" is accurate and useful information based upon careful research and analysis. Now if you have a useful critique of my analysis, I'm all eyes and will discuss as time permits. This is how we learn!! Otherwise you're easily dismissed as noise and fury signifying nothing of importance.

Anonymous said...

Carefully researched by the GRU it seems to many people. I started "arguing with you, which is not really possible, because you are a troll. At the time some one commented tat you were a troll and not to bother with you. Nothing has changed