Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Today’s Russian Papers On Events In Afghanistan

WNU Editor: The above is a must watch video on how concerned russian media is with the Afghan disaster, and how this may spread jihadist uprisings in central Asia. My friends in China are telling me that China's state media is voicing the same concerns, while voicing hope that Afghanistan and China can develop economic projects together.


Anonymous said...

The joint military maneuvers may simply be the Russians keeping an eye on their Chinese counterparts or trying to impress them withy their skill so they don't invade. If they are not, maybe the Russians should stop playing footsie with the Chinese, if they are so durned concerned.

The Chinese provided weapons to the Afghans in the 80s and they provided weapons for the last 20 years to the Taliban.

the professor said...

The Professor says Here is what China now saying

rabic speaking Chinese TV host "Salwa" said that the American withdrawal and Taliban takeover of Afghanistan proves America’s impotence, calling it a "paper tiger." She made these remarks in a monologue that aired on CGTN Arabic (China) on August 16, 2021. "Salwa" said that the situation in Afghanistan is a "major blow to the U.S." and exposed the American betrayal of its allies. She added that China plans on playing a "constructive role in rebuilding Afghanistan and restoring the peace."

To view the clip of Chinese TV host Salwa on MEMRI TV, click here or below.

"The Current Situation In Afghanistan [Is] Conclusive Evidence Of The Failure Of U.S. Attempts To Change A Central-Asian Country... [And Reveals] Its Betrayal Of Its Commitment To Its Allies"

Salwa: "The current situation in Afghanistan is, undoubtedly, a major blow to the U.S. It serves as conclusive evidence of the failure of the U.S. attempts to change this Central-Asian country. In addition, the U.S. withdrawal plan reveals its betrayal of its commitment to its allies.

"When its interests require dumping its allies, the U.S. finds a thousand justifications. For 20 years, the powerful U.S. could not get rid of the Afghan Taliban, which did not receive any foreign assistance.

"This failure has exposed the impotence of the United States. Indeed, the U.S. very much resembles a 'paper tiger.'

"China Will Play A Constructive Role In Afghanistan In Order To Achieve Peace, And In Order To Move Towards Rebuilding"

"China will deal with the changes in Afghanistan in a very reasonable way. China has no intention of filling the vacuum created by the United States. The principle of refraining from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries has been, and will continue to be, the mainstay of Chinese foreign policy. China will play a constructive role in Afghanistan, in order to achieve peace, and in order to move towards rebuilding [Afghanistan] very soon. I am Salwa, from Beijing."

Anonymous said...

Una vez más la profesora demuestra por qué es sin duda una persona sin valor.

Questions people have for la profesora, does she think the Chinese are as bad as an enemy of the US as Putin or worse. It is a rhetorical question as everyone know the low standards of la profesora. She learned them form her parents.

Anonymous said...

still changing your approach by appropriating what has been said of you and your DNA

try your own approach. The way any child would. All the Prof gave us was what was a Chinese response. And from that, you jump into your need to elevate your small ego by dumping on others Grow up, retard

Anonymous said...

The professor aka Parrot aka you (1:28) tried to look important by copying and pasting some foreign press. It was not germane to the Russia story. It related to nothing. it did not relate to how the Russians feel about Afghanistan or to previous comments. It was filler maybe designed to kill a comment thread.

I threw your argument style back in your face and you cannot handle it. You have used that type of name calling a hundred times, if not 500 times.

loser loser loser