Thursday, August 19, 2021

U.S. State Department Still Do Not Know How Many Americans Are Left Trapped Inside Afghanistan. U.S. Defense Secretary Admits The U.S. Does Not Have The Capability To Rescue Americans Trapped Outside Of The Airport

WNU Editor: The U.S. Defense Secretary's admission the U.S. does not having the capability to rescue large numbers of Americans trapped outside of Kabul airport is below. 


RussInSoCal said...

Blinken has had a long reputation as a total incompetent in Washington. So it figures that he would be managing this C.F.



Anonymous said...

Lord General Austin is a coward, a liar and an embarrassment.

Breaking: British Para Troops Are Running Vehicle Patrols Through Center of Kabul to Extract Trapped UK Citizens — While Biden Abandons Trapped Americans

He also looks quite sexy in size 6 women's lingerie.

Anonymous said...

I blame Antifa, the gays, and Broadway musicals.

Anonymous said...

And they do it because they mismanaged the economy, enriched themselves of our work and taxes and did crimes we hear but don't want to believe, and it all happened after Epstein got whacked and McAffee got whacked..

They're building covid camps/ concentration camps.. they'r absolute control freaks and Nazis and fascists and communists and globalists. they will kill you if you don't resist this tyranny. Don't let your children live under such a system.. you must resist and the military must act bravely and with determination and do it swiftly so further loss of life and treasure and trauma to children can be avoided. That's my advice for every nation that wishes to remain a nation with laws and dignity and freedom for all. Either this or perhaps c centuries of terror. Either we punish those who did this against all science and used the media and cancel culture mobs beforehand to train us all like pavlovian dogs to not speak up and use Antifa BLM to terrorize and subdue us and threaten courts

they did it.
Every free man and woman in every nation must rise and team up and punish these Marxist traitors and murderous scum.

NUREMBERG 2.0!!!!!!!

NUREMBERG 2.0!!!!!!!


Do it legally though. Hehe

Anonymous said...

6:44, I'd love to hear you define "Marxist".

I'd bet my house that you've never read any Marx.

Anonymous said...

Neo Marxist, I write quickly

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way they'll pull the internet kill switch soon.. they are likely measuring consent and "disapproval" (the lust to outright lynch this cabal) on the web and via apps.. after all most of them are InteliQ and deep state financed.

So just march to Washington now before it's too late and they declare marital law and put you in camps. Same here in the UK.. they'll target dissidents in a few months so we have to make it clear to them now that the camps are the red line. If they do this we must immediately storm the government buildings, as they have lost all authority at this point. That's my advice as a free man which I want to remain

But they're of course smart and start with easy to control, small and disarmed nations first. People think Switzerland has no weapons. They do. And they're very Germanic, not a good country to start.

Australia has nothing, they disarmed them and crushed their guns. Same with new Zealand. And what do we see there? Forceful and illegal use of covid camps against anyone who opposes an authoritarian dictate.

The vaccines and masks are barely working and hurt your immunity over prolonged use and if you take several shots.

It is a test for compliance to see if you accept this new system. The other ones will be killed in their plan, first marginalised of course. Dehumanised as racists and filthy. Then the camps. Then the beatings and human experimentation.. and the organ harvesting.

You must see what they'r doing

We must help Australia

Every country MUST FIGHT AND GROW SOME BALLS... push back, get in their faces, take the constitution or whatever legal document you're ruled by. Remove violators from offices and any form of power. Hold special elections. Organise with local police you trust. Hire private security. Cancel Amazon. Boycott CNN. Go for their parent company's throats. Be creative. Organise. Make them hurt and importantly TRIAL THEM IN COURT FOR ALL TGE WORLD TO SEE!!!!!@ THAT'S WHAT WE NEED!!!

Anonymous said...

And if you don't believe the forced organ harvesting.. look at the organ harvesting story they broke just 2 weeks ago...

And the sums involved

They will do this

And it's not them really

It's a bit of an open secret really but basically genocide is done by the rich whenever a cycle completes and an economy crashes or a new system is put in place that is violently opposed by many.

That's why you've been trained to hate each other and think everyone's gone mad

It's the hidden
You gotta reach out and work with each other to avoid what happened so many times before.. illegitimate tyrants that want to avoid death by hanging use the tools of the deep state so that you're willing to commit inhumane acts. And they'll defend it with science. It's been done in studies too.. like the fake electrocution for science study.. it's a known bug in the human mind that they exploit to then usher in the great reset and live as neofeudals and untouchables

Anonymous said...

There's people who blindly accept authority. And they do anything they'll say we followed orders. That's the Nuremberg trials, they had a special section on exactly this . That's why now everyone speaks of it and it's needed urgently

Anonymous said...

The reason why we dislike Fred is because we just know he's going to be one of those goose steppers

He will copy and paste articles to justify it all and deflect guilt

It happened so many times in human history

The only way we survive is to push back now and push back HARD