Monday, August 16, 2021

Was President Biden's Afghanistan Speech A Disaster?

Michael Rubin, 19Forty-Five: Why Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Speech Was a Disaster 

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on the unfolding tragedy in Afghanistan. He was unrepentant. “I Do Not Regret My Decision,” he declared. 

His speech did little to resolve the concerns a bipartisan array of Americans have for two reasons: First, he relied on a dishonest strawman and, second, the Afghan withdrawal contradicts the reasons he cited to justify his policy. 

First, the strawman: “I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country’s civil war,” he declared. 

But, no one was asking that, and it is not what American troops were doing. 

Over the past five years, the Pentagon had reduced the American presence to under 10,000 troops. The presence was a deterrent and led to few American casualties. Indeed, over that period, far fewer Americans have died in Afghanistan than residents of Baltimore have died in automobile accidents.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It has been interesting to see how some in the media are circling the wagons to defend President Biden's Afghan speech, and why they believe his speech was a success. The above video and Michael Rubin's post have a different point of view. 

On a personal note.

I was surprised this evening.

I have found that the ones who are really upset/angry/and scared at what is happening, and who are specifically blaming President Biden for this disaster, are the women in my life.

As a man I see President Biden as someone who made the strategic decision to abandon Afghanistan because it was no longer vital to America's long term interests.

The women in my life see this differently. They see this as an abandonment by the US President of 18 million Afghan women to the Taliban rape gangs and their misogynist leaders.

If Republican leaders play this right. The advantage that Democrats enjoy with women voters is going to evaporate in the next election and beyond. Based on the response I got this evening, this has the potential to become the biggest disaster for a U.S. political party in modern times.


Anonymous said...

Jac & everyone - at 1h:49min they have a doctor on your age who was sent to hospital due to covid and he talks about the malpractice due to bad hospital protocols.

If any of you have to go to the hospital

1) make sure you have a strong patient advocate/ friends or family with you who speak on your behalf and know first hand how to deal with tyrannical doctors/ have seen the inside of the sausage making/ know a bit about it

2) know your medicine. I'm not a doctor but have related degrees including in virology, and it's critical that you understand that if you get bacterial pneumonia it must be added to the treatment protocol(if not, then any virus can come in through with the bacterial attack)

3) if you get a hospital that wants to just put you into an ER, or isolate you and you have no real care, LEAVE! sign the waver and just leave and live another day

4) the corporate media is completely misinforming the public on safe medicines that can save your life, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

5) the treatment for covid leads to a suppression of the immune system, which leads, among other things, to bacterial infection but the hospitals don't treat for it and people including the doctor don't know why but speculate it's due to corporate influence in hospitals

Anonymous said...


You are wrong

Listen to veterans. THEN you'll find out who is really pissed and I mean P-I-S-S-E-D

If one bit of election coup evidence is unearthed, there won't be an election anymore, they'll KILL those globalist scum in their chairs before they have a chance to get up

Anonymous said...

FLASHBACK: Chuck Schumer Praised Joe Biden’s ‘Careful and Thought-Out Plan’ for Afghanistan Withdrawal

Anonymous said...

"The women in my life see this differently."

Well maybe they can read Clausewitz, so they can have different take on military affairs and vote accordingly.

Daniel said...

Do American women of any affiliation really make their electoral decisions based on what happens to women in other countries? I find that difficult to believe.

Anonymous said...

Women are simply far more susceptible to corporate propaganda because the media machine specifically targets them more.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely delusional but unsurprising op ed from another of God's chosen.

Comparing the South Korean military presence in any way to the Afghan occupation with it's daily car bombings and 4,000 civilians killed each year is simply laughable.

Ending the war right now still leaves us with a 6.5 trillion dollar bill to spend on health care, disability, burial and other costs for the veterans from now through 2050. Imagine the costs if the war was allowed to fester for these next 30 years like the author desires.

Must be nice to have a fall back country for when you've finished destroying this one.

Daniel said...

5:39 AM - That's as may be (are they more susceptible or are they targetted more? different theses). I just don't think most of them really care about global affairs or foreign policy more than they do about issues closer to home. So I don't see this changing anything. Women who are already inclined to dislike Biden/Democrats will talk about this a lot. Others will not, or will not make the connection.

Anonymous said...

Most Americans wanted an end to the war in Afghanistan. Biden made the tough call and did.

Anonymous said...

When Trump said he would pull out, that was ok for conservatives. When Biden did it, bad bad bad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another example.. while men recognize what universities have become and are fleeing the indoctrination+debt trap, women are flocking to them... and they argue "look were doing so great"(at being brainwashed and losing your creativity and individuality, and getting in debt, YEAH!)

Women depression is way up since entering the workforce more and more.. but they THINK they got it figured out lol

They bought into the career idea, gave up family plans and will die alone, without children, not knowing it was a population reduction plan (among other things) all along. It's sad

Anonymous said...

how do you define the word disaster?
hurricanes, tornadoes, atom bombs, pandemics, droughts, floods, earthquakes create disasters. Not speeches.

Dave Goldstein said...

It's amazing people can be so stupid and forgetful. This debacle is exactly like Saigon. Bye bye Biden and demorats, next congress will be Repubs.
Oh and Biden looks just like Walter, same atitude too

Anonymous said...

"how do you define the word disaster?
hurricanes, tornadoes, atom bombs, pandemics, droughts, floods, earthquakes create disasters. Not speeches." - Person who fucks cats

If speeches cannot be disastrous, then why did Gandalf club the Steward of Gondor when he gave a speech telling people to give up?

Sure it was Hollywood, But Hollywood, when it is good, taps into real world psychology.

Disastrous speech is Neville Chamberlain spouting I have a piece of paper from Herr Hitler, Peace in Our time"

"brandishing his "piece of paper" and proclaiming "peace for our time","